
I added some foliage to the roof. He has been up there climbing around all day. Best part, he was GREEN!

I think he liked being up there, but just felt exposed, therefor, he was stressed.

I think the foliage solved the problem.

Thanks for all your help guys.
Lately, he has been dark again in his cage and hanging out in the lower 1/3 sometimes. I've heard that they rarely venture this low.
I got him out to handle him today, and he got immediately green.

Bright Green when sleeping.
Stress colors when in cage.
Happy colors when being handled.
Does anyone have any idea why this would be?

A few things to consider when trying to figure out why they pace...

Spend some time on the opposite side of the rom reading a book. Don't move to much and keep quiet. Glance up every now and again and see how he's behaving. The key here is try and catch him when he thinks no one's watching. Now look for behavior indicating that he's trying to get out. Is he rubbing his nose against the screen or does he just calmly walk about?

Does he stop under the lights for long periods of time (>10 or 15 mins)?

Can he find a spot in the plants and on his own where you cannot see him at all?

Although it's really hit or miss, check for gaping while basking or anywhere else in the cage.

Dose he pace near the bottom ever?

I wouldn't rule out stress. Most chameleons pace for a reason, of which many abound. Whether it's temperature, furnishings, a mirror across the room in which they can see their reflection, other pets in the room, an extension cord that resembles a snake on the ground (no kidding), left over feeders in the cage bothering him...

The list can go on but I think you're doing well trying to trim most of the possibilities down. Like I said, spend a good few quiet hours in the room one afternoon and observe his behavior. You may find it's something silly. Our meller's hates hates hates river rocks. We top off the soil of all the plants so they don't get any funny ideas and she simply freaks out at the sight of the river rocks.


Thanks luevelvet for your reply.
I quoted your questions and provided responses.
My responses are red.
My question is in blue
Is he rubbing his nose against the screen or does he just calmly walk about?
Just walking calm about.

Does he stop under the lights for long periods of time (>10 or 15 mins)?
Yes, when he basks, but the temperatures are all perfect so I ruled out temperature.

Can he find a spot in the plants and on his own where you cannot see him at all? Tons of spots! He has a umbrella tree and hibiscus.

Although it's really hit or miss, check for gaping while basking or anywhere else in the cage. I've never seen him gaping.

Dose he pace near the bottom ever? He doesn't pace, but he spends time down there alot.

We do use river rocks to top of the soil, maybe he is scared of them too! We will replace those with something else just to rule those out.

I know some people use Calci-Sand, any other recommendations?

I do have a hamster that is across the room about 5 feet away from his cage. She is nocturnal, but she does rummage around at night.
She isn't visible while he is awake.
The cords for both of his lights do run down the side of the cage. Could that be scaring him?
Just want to be very thorough.
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