
One book by avs recommends using them on jacksons. however, when i spoke to a pretty knowledgable person about reptiles and lighting, he was agains it. i can't remember his exact reasoning. i want to say that they are kinda unstandarized and emit too much uv. he was adimant against using them. i will see him later tonight as i am going to his store. if he is there, i will ask him and repost for you. he did say that people were having success using 2.0 & 5.0 bulbs together.
I used them for a short time when I started breeding chameleons 20 years ago, in combination with chroma 50s. Later I just used the chroma 50s because of some misinformation from the guy at the lighting store regarding spectrum.

About 20-25 years ago there was a bit of experimentation with the BLB tubes like that before real reptile lights were invented. There was success using them in combination with other lights like chroma 50s especially.

You are much better off using modern lighting...
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