Blaptica DUBIA Super-sale!

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100 Adult Blaptica Dubia $50.00 - FREE SHIPPING!
50 Adult Blaptica Dubia $30.00 - FREE SHIPPING!
100 Mixed smaller size Blaptica Dubia $30.00 - FREE SHIPPING!

Blaptica Dubia Roaches are excellent feeders for your reptile. They can completely replace crickets for Bearded Dragons, Chameleons, Geckos, Monitors and many more.

- Soft-bodied and meaty, a far better alternative to crickets
- Easy to determine gender as males have wings and females do not
- Slow moving, they do not fly and cannot climb smooth surfaces
- These feeders can be kept in plastic Tupperware bins
- Low maintenance and easy to handle
- Virtually no odor and very quiet
- Prolific

Click here to order

Fair deal, most places ask for a phone call and a few emailed pictures to comfirm dead loss. Just seamed kinda "extreme". I don't worry over 20-50 crickets that arrive dead in my orders, just when the box has a hole in it, and 997 didn't show up.;) Yes, that has happened....poor UPS driver, I could hear him chirping up the street for the next week...:rolleyes:
A funny story along the line of escaped crickets- back in the late 90’s a friend of mine had a large order of crickets go to his neighbor’s by mistake, which were an elderly couple. They made the big mistake of opening the box and when the old man saw bugs emerging, he panicked and threw the open box across the room. Needless to say they had to call an exterminator all as the crickets escaped and were all over the house.

That story makes me laugh to this day…
A funny story along the line of escaped crickets- back in the late 90’s a friend of mine had a large order of crickets go to his neighbor’s by mistake, which were an elderly couple. They made the big mistake of opening the box and when the old man saw bugs emerging, he panicked and threw the open box across the room. Needless to say they had to call an exterminator all as the crickets escaped and were all over the house.

That story makes me laugh to this day…

I bet they were never really "friends" with the neighbors after that.
Even funnier the old couple never liked them to begin with! I think it was totally unfair that the homeowner's associate made my freinds pay for the extermination bill. The older couple never should have opened the package in the first place!


BTW - Once I had a box of crickets start to leak in my house, and by the time I realized it they were everywhere. Sadly I had to vaccum them up as there was no other way to catch them all fast enough!
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