Bleeding knees, rotting skin!


Avid Member
Hello everyone

This is not my chameleon, it is a friends chameleon.

The person did not neglect the chameleon in any way.
All the right supplements and lighting was used.
Does anyone know what this could be?
I know that is not sufficient info but that is all I have let me know what other info you need

Here are the pictures


as you can see its on the top, middle of body and on his knees



Thanks for any input

dodolah my friend said that they suspected it being burn but it cant be because there is no way he could get to the lights, I also thought it was burn the way it was being described, but also look at where the spots are, back of both front arms or legs, and on both knees in the same place and then on the back, its a bit wierd for a burn to be set out like that dont you think?
no.. i have seen couple of chameleons that got burn on those locations.
you do not need to get too close to the bulb to get burn. Sometimes high wattage can cause it as well.
They are not that smart to realize that their skin could not handle such intense heat. thus, they stay basking.
The sloughing spine is the dead giveaway.
See how the skin starts to slough off.

your friend need to do something about those infections.. is the wound now exude pus?

if you notice the flaps on both lower sides of his casque, you will realize there are a bit of the chunks got sloughed off. But, hey seem healed pretty nice. I suspect he had burn his flap in the past as well.
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Yes you are right in that, I agree.
I think this person is far from vets.
Do you think applying an ointment of some sort will work, we have something called vaseline, Im sure that will work fine in healing, and that white coloured stuff ontop of the burns is vaseline by the way.
Yes you are right in that, I agree.
I think this person is far from vets.
Do you think applying an ointment of some sort will work, we have something called vaseline, Im sure that will work fine in healing, and that white coloured stuff ontop of the burns is vaseline by the way.

flamazine/ sylvadene and neosporin would be the better med for this case here.
try to go to the vet anyway..
Definitely a burn

This is definitely a burn. This happened to Manga when I change out a Mercury vapor bulb to a new one. (Same wattage, but burn out of the bulb was different from the previous 3 up to then... this is why I don't use MV bulbs anymore.)

I like the idea of SSD creme but due to the progression of the burns, you will probably need systemic drugs. I also found the zylofen worked really well, and Manga was fairlly receptive to this.

Do keep in mind that all the black spaces on the veil face back and sides will slough off and will not grow back with pigment. Be careful with your lighting since the skin is not as tolerant after this.

Vaseline is not antibacterial in anyway as far as Im aware. Further it may 'seal in' infection present, and slow the healing process.
The creams mentioned above, particularly silvazine/silvadine are excellent, and more suited.
I would not suggest using vaseline. I am by no means a cham expert, but I am pretty knowledgeable about vaseline. I am a tattoo artist actually, and many artists use vaseline during the process of tattooing for a few reasons. It cools your skin where open wounds are present, it keeps the area moist and makes you stop bleeding. vaseline is not anyibacterial, it is sterile (huge difference). That is why after tattoos we ask people to use A&D or aquaphor. I know this isnt about a tattoo, but they are both open wounds and my post was basically for the validity of vasaline on a wound.
Geez... this poor guy doesn't just have ONE burn, he's got MANY burns. From the looks of it many of them are in different stages of healing. Some of the areas look like they've burned, healed, and were then burned again.

Your friend needs to change his lighting immediately. If he doesn't have a temperature gauge in the cage, he needs to get one immediately.

Better yet, refer your friend to this forum so he can get advise directly.

The burns themselves can/will heal, but that one infected knee looks awful.
These pics turned my stomach. Poor Guy... He has got to be in a ton of pain.

What is the "proper lighting" he was using... Because something had to burn away at the flesh of that cham?

Please get that animal to a qualified vet.
OK thanks for the advise about vaseline.

She had another pic of his enclosure and I spotted the light which caused all of this, one of those infra red bulbs :mad: petshops are so useless!
I told her to remove it and etc.

The chameleon has gone to the vet, hes knees are all bandaged up, he is on antibiotics and I believe is on his way to recovery.

He will be at the vet again on Saturday for a check up (so I have heard).

I will keep you guys posted, and I have told her all the corrections in her husbandary, so all is well.

Thanks all for the helpful advise, will keep you posted on him.
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