Texas Panther Man
New Member
Ok so I ordered about 500 bb flies from mantis place earlier this month. They were shipped on the 20th of Dec. So I just got em today. Of course all the damn things have hatched/pupated already.
So what can I do now? I mean how long will they live after becoming flies? I bought the cups and food etc... to raise them but I expected to get spikes/maggots not flies.
I dont see how Im going to feed them all off before they die because Ive only got 4 chams at the moment. Is there any way to keep them alive and prolong their life span? Like colder temps or something?
I dont see how Im going to feed them all off before they die because Ive only got 4 chams at the moment. Is there any way to keep them alive and prolong their life span? Like colder temps or something?