Blue colored Veiled's...


New Member
Not really blue colored. But turqouised colred on the side. FL Chams has some on their display page. I believe he's their breeder Newton. Hes pictured in the ""juvenile veiled chameleon" section. So I was it a phase that only some veileds have or what?
They look AWESOME!!!!!
Anyone got pictures of their veileds that have this morph?
Ya, Newton is incredible. My veiled, Azrael, is one of his sons ;)
He's still growing up, but he's closing in on a year old, and he doesn't share the same intense blue of his dad. Azzy is usually mostly green and yellow, but he sometimes shows off turquoise.
As for Newton's coloring, I believe it just has to do with the blood line the chameleon came from. Some chams are more blue/turquoise, while others are mostly green, yellow, or brown.
I just purchased a few months ago one of Newtons boys...later on I will try and post some pics...he is starting to show his colors with more turq coming in....but he is one mean sob...typical veiled:rolleyes:
I just purchased a few months ago one of Newtons boys...later on I will try and post some pics...he is starting to show his colors with more turq coming in....but he is one mean sob...typical veiled:rolleyes:

I hear ya! My guy from Newton is around 10 months now and is a raging ball of hatred. Hahaha but i love him to death
I want one!!!
But big crickets kinda creep me out. Thats why I stick to Rudis, they eat smaller sized cricks. Any advice on not being as afraid..?
Well I used to hate touching the crickets, too, but you get used to it. What I do is I hold a cup when I'm getting crickets out of their container. That way, I can dump them in the cup (too tall for them to jump out of) and not have to hold them for long. I cup feed Azzy, so I can just pour them into his feeder cup after dusting them. My advice: touch them as little as possible! But, relly, I'm used to handling them so I would think you would get used to it, too. My main issue with them is that they smell horrible!
Its just that the big ones CREEP me out so bad lol.
Their legs and big bodies make me feel like their going to bite? hahaha
But I want a veiled with those blues! hopefully when I sell some of me Rudis babies ill have the dough for one from FL Chams! :D
Those pictures are AMAZING!!!!!!!!
The last time I was this jealous, I was watching Shila labouef kiss Megan Fox in Transformers 2.
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