Boiled Water??

Sorry this is the link I had to post before :

I think this guy has a good knowledge > Quoted from link : I'm an environmental engineer dealing in water treatment system. And studied chemical engineering in college

I will be on the safe side and always prepare a batch of pre - boiled water when my current one is going to finish ..that will be out for 24 hours

Thank you :)
Is this the water you use for your misting system as well?
Chloride is so volatile, you really don't need to boil the water if that's all
you want to remove.
Chlorine is an element, chloride is it's ion, the volatile gas is chloride, not chlorine. That's where the confusion is.
Do a test; pour a glass of water right out of the tap, take a big whiff!!
now wait a few minutes and take another whiff.

No amount of boiling, however, will remove trace elements; chlorine, sodium, potassium, etc. including metals, like lead, cadmium, mercury, iron, etc.

To remove those things, you need to 'distill' the water!!
Filtration will only remove the larger molecules, distilling leaves everything behind. That's why it has such a low resistance, 0.8 megaohms (or is it 8.0 !!??) been a long time since chemistry :eek: ;)
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Eek.. This is all very conflicting :/

What about bottled water? Is that safe?

Not to add to your confusion, but the term bottled water can mean many different things as well! Spring water, Tap water that is bottled, Purified water, and Distilled water. I use distilled water for my misting system so no deposits will build up on my misting nozzles and decor. I know there is no fluoride, chloramines, etc. and do not have to worry about it! I will only have to keep the bucket clean and should have no worries.
Eek.. This is all very conflicting :/

What about bottled water? Is that safe?

I still say boiled tap water is safe its just that we want everything to be perfect for our chams and want to know every little detail to make sure its safe ...if there are little traces I don`t think that they should be harmful...however skipping all the jargon and technicalities a definite yes or no reply from a senior would help...

As for bottled water that is definitely safe!
Eek.. This is all very conflicting :/

What about bottled water? Is that safe?

Bottled water, or distilled water is almost the perfect water for a chameleon. If your tap water is drinkable by you, just adding water conditioner like reptisafe will make it perfectly fine for chameleons.

I RO filter my water, mainly to soften the water so there wont be white hard water deposits all over my cage (and my chams). I then use reptisafe for any risidual chlorine, chloramies, or flouride that may have survived the filtration process.

The only health risk tap water poses to your cham if treated with a conditioner is organic material. However, if you can drink it without issue, then it is probably safe for your chameleon.
I still say boiled tap water is safe its just that we want everything to be perfect for our chams and want to know every little detail to make sure its safe ...if there are little traces I don`t think that they should be harmful...however skipping all the jargon and technicalities a definite yes or no reply from a senior would help...

As for bottled water that is definitely safe!

So, here is my answer... call your local municipality and see if they are adding anything like fluoride to the water system, (can be very bad for chams) and if it is only chlorine being added, you can leave the water uncovered for 24 hours without boiling. If there are chloramines present, you cannot boil them out, but need to treat the water with an additive. And again, BOTTLED water can mean many different things! (Got to read the labels carefully ;))
I should also add that the white deposits from my hard water is actually calcium, so that is actually beneficial for chams. I filter it out due to the unsightly build up in my cage only (and also because it began to build up on my chams!).

I say distilled is almost the perfect water, because distillation removes everything, even the beneficial calcium and trace elements that tap water can contain.
Hmmmm.. So I definitely can't get RO water here and no one drinks the tap water here but it's safe for brushing teeth and washing dishes and so on..
I think I'll go with the bottled distilled water.. I can check with municipality on what's in the water, but they're always changing their minds on everything so I can't really trust that..
On saying that no one drinks tap water, I have my turtles in tap water unconditioned and I have never had any health problems and my goldfish I have in a bowl I just put water conditioner in and they're thriving..
Anyway, I'll try to find some good bottled and distilled water if I can and use that.
Thanks everyone!
Hmm, lets see, bottled water; you have your "spring water" which can have all the minerals in it, but is not chlorinated. This will plug up your MistKing with mineral "buggers" in about a years' use .

Then you have your "distilled" water in the gallon jugs, its pretty much stripped of everything, including good minerals your little chammie needs.

Then you have your "filtered water", a tricky one, because you really don't know what is filtered and what isn't. You can be pretty sure though that
at least the heavy elements such as cadmium, lead, selenium, mercury etc
are filtered.

But don't get neurotic about this whole water business. You should just buy a
cheap water hardness (% TDS) kit at Amazon and find out how good/bad your water is!! Complete with instructions.

I happen to be fairly lucky and have low TDS in my tap, and my family has been drinking the stuff for many years and we haven't grown a third eye or
lost all our hair, and our IQ's are right up there with the very best baked potatoes!!

Here's what I do; for my humidifiers and MistKing, I use 100% distilled water.

For my hand mister I use tap water with a few drops of that Reptisafe blue stuff. Same thing for my 'dripper' water.

For making my Bug Burger I use distilled water.

To my advantage, I work in a lab, so I can take my plastic jugs to work for
filling them up :D

I also add some spring water to my mist bottled water to give it some essential minerals, but I let the suppliments do most of that :D

Are we confused yet :confused:
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