Bored Chameleon! What should I consider for an outdoor enclosure?


Chameleon Enthusiast
I now understand why 2x2x4 is the minimum enclosure size. In the mornings Carmelo sits at the door - he does not want out but he loves someone to come over, open the door and talk or sing to him. He will allow a open hand as a jester to come out and allows the hand to touch his feet. He might even extend 1 foot to a finger but he never comes out on his own and we don't force him out unless necessary. For the past few weeks, daily-around noon, after transversing up and down the branches, Carmelo lands in the Pothos and sits there. If anyone sits in the chair next to his enclosure he immediately comes that side and looks out. Seems bored. What, other than husbandry, should I consider when creating an outdoor enclosure?
Yes, I tell you, ALL mine (incl) the 1+ months old ones, all get to go outside at least 2xweekly. And it's a huge change. They go from just sitting, to constantly wandering around. They LOVE IT.
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