bottom of chameleons cage


New Member
should i just keep it plain with the white plastic bottom that comes with it or should i get some sort of indoor/outdoor carpet type of material for it? any answers/help is greatly apreciated.
I just have the plastic the cage came with and it's super easy to clean...after every misting, I just wipe it with a paper towel :)
I took it out and placed the whole enclosure on a wire rack for drainage purposes, with a large tub underneath. It's been way more convenient than having the plastic.
should i just keep it plain with the white plastic bottom that comes with it or should i get some sort of indoor/outdoor carpet type of material for it? any answers/help is greatly apreciated.

If you are not using live plants, and are having trouble getting the humidity high enough you could use the carpet to help retain some moisture and avoid puddles. I did this for a while prior to getting live plants and prior to making drainage for the enclosure. I had a few carpets cut out and would switch them out every few days to avoid mold/mildew and smelling ;). I wouldn't use it if you don't have humidity issues though, because its not worth the work! ;)
If you're worried about aesthetics, you can usually find kitchen shelf liner in nice patterns. A roll of it is inexpensive, you can cut out several perfect squares, they are easy to clean, and will not be a host to mold. And that way you can have a little color or something on the floor if you find the white too clinical.

I keep mine baren just because the look went with my chameleon room "theme" but there's no reason you have to live with the plain white if you don't like it. Just stay away from anything really absorbent unless you're diligent about changing it out daily, or it'll soon become more of a hassel than anything else.
Can you keep leaf litter on bottom of cage to look more natural then paper towels? What about placing a coco husk mat at bottom? I get the easy clean up with paper towel but like to try and make it look as natural as possible :) Thanks!!!
Can you keep leaf litter on bottom of cage to look more natural then paper towels? What about placing a coco husk mat at bottom? I get the easy clean up with paper towel but like to try and make it look as natural as possible :) Thanks!!!

You can, but it is difficult to keep clean, your feeders can get lost in there, your cham could eat some of it and have trouble passing it, and it would be more difficult to let your enclosure dry out before mistings if you have longer sessions. That could lead to mold and mildew buildup as well as health issues. There are some who have done it successfully though.
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