Bottom of the cage


New Member
I use paper towels to line the bottom of my enclosure. They are great for keeping humidity, easy to clean, and I've heard they harbor less bacteria than substrate. I was wondering how often I should replace them. Does anyone else use paper towels on the bottom? Or is there a better approach that I can use

Thanks ,

Paper towels are one of your best friends when it comes to something like that. I put a thin lair on the bottom of my cages. Easy cleanup when they make doodoo and all that business. Also like you said keeps great humidity. I change every 4-5 days as well.
paper towels

I use paper towels to line the bottom of my enclosure. They are great for keeping humidity, easy to clean, and I've heard they harbor less bacteria than substrate. I was wondering how often I should replace them. Does anyone else use paper towels on the bottom? Or is there a better approach that I can use

Thanks ,

Theres a reason substrate is not usually recmmended,imo,I would recommend a hygenic (bare) cage bottom. I only recommend paper towels for use in preperation for fecals. Keeping paper towels wet to raise humidity provides a perfect environment for the attraction and breeding of mites. Paper towels provide a hiding place for escaped or free roaming feeders, and can also easily adhere to a chams tongue, posing a serious risk of ingestion/impaction. Jmo
I use paper towels in the bottom of all of my 25 cages. I don't have a way to catch water for that many cages so paper towels it is. The plants and plastic leaves and the vines catch a lot of it, and the paper towels soak up the rest. I change the paper towels 2x/week. I buy the cheap p. towels at CostCo. and count it as a cost of my hobby.
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