I live in south Florida temps are usually 80-85 so I think I'm going to take them out for a couple of hours tomarrow , and I'm bringing the fecal sample first to check for parasites just because I don't want to dress the lil girls out during the trip
I just had a Cham hatch (1 day old ) that was the same size as the one you have pictures . Granted they grow a bit slow as neonates. But I'd guess less than a month old and female!
There is no standard on neonate size in correlation with age. Honestly, i wouldnt doubt if someone said this baby was 11 weeks old. I would have guessed the baby less than 3 months personally.
This young one could be growing a little slower because of the lack of food which doesnt necessarily have to point a finger at the breeder. Some just dont have the appetite as the others do and this will reflect growth rates.
I would suggest you setting the young one up in a small 16x15x20 screen cage or a "close to" same dimension sterilite tote w/open top. Fruit flies and 1/8th inch crickets a couple times a day. Research chameleon baby care. Care is slightly different but its honestly not any harder than a adult.
Since I live in Florida the humidity is naturally at 40%-50% but when I mist it goes to 70% , would keeping them outside be better from them at this age ? The temp is around 80-85 this time of year?
You can raise them outside but you will have to make sure all temps, shade, hydration are correct..
Unless the bulb is defective or they are forced to be extremely close to the bulb. You can do a process of elimination. First switch out the bulb or just simply turn it off. See if anything changes by the following day. Make sure you are giving enough hydration and humidity.
*For the first few days i wouldn't put any feeders in with them.