Bradypodion & cordylus pictures


Established Member
Hereby some pictures of some of my animals I hope you enjoy:

Bradypodion pumilum




Bradypodion transvaalense:




Bradypodion setaroi



Cordylus warreni


Cordylus cataphractus



The ones he has?

I have found a Fynbos phase in a reserve in mountains, she was very dark green with 2 white lateral stripes, they look more rough than the blue and orange ones
OMG C. cataphractus!!!!!!!!! i don't like bradypodions but i love this Cordylus!!! :) Congrats for this animal and also for the chams..
thanks all.
Only the upper one is a fynbos the other ones are the normal morph.

When I'm finished with rebuilding my room I'll post some more pictures including their enclosures.
Bradypodion in Europe- how?


you have beautiful chameleons, but how do you have them in Europe? An aquaintance here in South Africa works for Kwazulu Nature Conservation, hes been through the records and has stated that no export permit has ever been granted for Br setaroi, and that it is totally protected here, so how do you have them?

Bradypodion pumilum fynbos- how do you have this animal? It doesnt make sense.
Answers will be appreciated by me and others here in South Africa.

Reg, a wild south african Bradypodion fan.

you have beautiful chameleons, but how do you have them in Europe? An aquaintance here in South Africa works for Kwazulu Nature Conservation, hes been through the records and has stated that no export permit has ever been granted for Br setaroi, and that it is totally protected here, so how do you have them?

Bradypodion pumilum fynbos- how do you have this animal? It doesnt make sense.
Answers will be appreciated by me and others here in South Africa.

Reg, a wild south african Bradypodion fan.

Just go to Hamm show this year.
awesome chameleons and reptiles.

I hope someone in the US gets some in as I wouldn't mind some babies from them.

Bradypodion in Europe- how?

Thank you for your reply Texas Panther Guy, but you have totally missed my point.
If I went to this Hamm show, are you telling me that there are protected chameleons regularly for sale there? These chameleons have not been legally shipped from my native South Africa, and yet people are happy to buy them?

Doesnt anyone in Europe have a problem with this?

How would you like it if someone was coming to your country, stealing your wildlife from right under your nose and selling it at a show?

Steven, how do you get such scarce south african chameleons? Setaroi is so limited, pumilum fynos, how do you justify it to yourself and other people seeing your pictures and wanting your animals? They should be left where they are found, in the wild.


No reply eh, interesting, the silence speaks volumes especially to us here listening in SA.
So no ones wants to stand up and say where they got their SA Bradypodion from in the first place then?

I can just speak for the setarois, I have no idea how the fynbos form of pumilum came to Europe. The setarois were imported as melanocephalums to Europe in the '90s. Since then they were breed in low numbers, but always enough animals to save them from die out in captivity.
In the last three years, some guys breed them in high numbers so they are available for a wide public. I breed them too and I can just say that they are the easiest Bradypodions I have kept so far

Doesnt anyone in Europe have a problem with this?

How would you like it if someone was coming to your country, stealing your wildlife from right under your nose and selling it at a show?

Steven, how do you get such scarce south african chameleons? Setaroi is so limited, pumilum fynos, how do you justify it to yourself and other people seeing your pictures and wanting your animals? They should be left where they are found, in the wild.

Your welcome to catch some Laecertas if you want to, how you get them out of Germany is your problem ;):p
The majority of the animals about which we are speaking can be traced back in the 90s when your country gives out permits to import some ! Even if some persons catched some chameleons after this period of legal exportation it werent high numbers just a handfull animals. Collection of animals has exactly NO influence on the population of SA chameleons.
Southernguy, I am also a South African.
They do it for the same reason we exotic enthusiasts would.
People are getting chameleons smuggled into South Africa, the only reason we have most of the exotic reptiles (except for a lot of snakes) is because of smuggling.

There is nothing we can do about it....
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