Bradypodion traansvalense male in all his glory

Bradypodion transvaalense male in all his glory

Do chams get much more vivid or colorful? I love this little guy even tho I cant get my pair to mate...:(

No altering, looks a bit washed out.

I got the pic closer to his true colors as he looks in person.
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Stay patient ;) It's really problematic to get them to mate, but in some cases it worked now here in Europe. It seems as if the males need relative long to become really adult
I hate you because you have such cool chams. All cool chams should belong to me. But then I would be back to no time for me.:(
He does try and "mate" with my female when they are put outside in the natural lighting and soon after I bring them back indoors but she will NOT let him get close to her when he advances towards her, she tries to bite him or runs away if he keeps going for her, and if he does get too persistent she will bite him and they will start fighting:confused:
Laurie, I disgaree with you, they should all belong to me! :D
I hate you because you have such cool chams. All cool chams should belong to me. But then I would be back to no time for me.:(

Hehe I feel the same way! I want all the cool chameleons, esp this one. but even if he gets him to breed, he said the babies would sell for like 1000+ bucks...
I said if i could afford that, Id double it and then some and get a parsons! lol
I want more chams, but so dont have the room for them. Can barely handle the two i have.
Hehe I feel the same way! I want all the cool chameleons, esp this one. but even if he gets him to breed, he said the babies would sell for like 1000+ bucks...
I said if i could afford that, Id double it and then some and get a parsons! lol
I want more chams, but so dont have the room for them. Can barely handle the two i have.

all chams are cool :rolleyes: and no ones takein mine!

thats a beautiful boy ^^ i hope he does end up breeding.
Jessica, that pricing I told you is for a pair, not a single animal.

I wish I had a good professional camera to capture the colors. I dont have the extra $ to spend on one rt now tho but, his colors are insane in person! Ive never seen brighter colors on a chameleon, except maybe a fired up panther but, all the colors mixed in and in such a small size is simply amazing:). Thanks for all the compliments:)
Wow, that's so cool :) All chams look better in person of course, so I can only imagine...........good luck on the breeding, see if you can get the price down a bit and we can all get one :D
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