Brand new baby!!!


New Member
Hi i finally got a cham after wanting one for about 6months! Its a 4month male ambilobe panther chameleon! Im stoked but have some basic questions. Iv done research all over the internet but i want feedback from you guys! So: Whats average temp/humidity? i have a screen cage. is their a trick for humidity? How many crickets do i feed him and how often? Im going to dust the crickets twice a week to feed to him. What do you feed the crickets? i want to feed my cham healthy food so hell grow big and strong like me! Iv got lettuce and a strawberry in their now. How do i tell if its a boy or girl????? i was told its a boy. need to be sure. Im trying not to handle him much. iv got UV bulb and a fogger for humidity. Think i covered it all. Let me know what yall think and if i missed anything let me know! Duces!
Dust crickets with pure calcium powder. You can feed me this as many times he won't die from overdose on calcium. To be safe dust 12-15 crickets a week.
Dust crickets with pure calcium powder. You can feed me this as many times he won't die from overdose on calcium. To be safe dust 12-15 crickets a week.

No you cant. it is possbile for an overdose or for organs to become calicified.
Is that what you need


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Horizontal view would be much better. im shure someone can sex it off that though.

ill go ahead and guess male. i think i see a bump on his tail base. cant really tell though.
Post a side shot focusing on the base of the tail&vent to tell for sure.He sorts looks like a male. Thats a nice start at gutloading..Pick up a dry high calicum cricket food like cricket crack. Keep it in with your crickets 4/7 then add fresh fruit&vegies every eveing concentrate on ones high in vit A. Feed your cham in the morning. As far as a supliment schedule goes I dust my bugs with repashy calcium plus pretty much every feeding It has trace amount of d3 that builds up over lots of good stuff in it .Variety is the key! Good luck and rember were here to help.
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