Breeding how ??


Established Member
I have male Sambava panther is around 1.5 year old and I have female panther but I don't know her age but I think she is big enough to mate. The problem is my female. She doesn't want to mate. What should I do for my female to mate ?? Please help
Yes yes I know this but how long should I wait ? I'm waiting for half a year. She never wants mating!!
Pfff. I always tried but never happened I feel sad. Tomorrow I'm going to add pictures. But when do they mate in the nature ? What is the weather conditions in nature when they are mating ?? Maybe if I deacrease or ıncrease the heat she wants or anything else what should I do :(((
Just relax and wait until the right time. Why are you in such a rush? If it is a money thing then you should just relax and let it happen when it does. If it is not a money thing then you should just relax and let it happen when it does. :D
The thing is, female panthers do more than just switch on or off from receptive, they also cycle infertile eggs as well. So she may be working through an infertile clutch and that's why she's not interested. Being able to see a male can send females into producing an infertile clutch, so if they could see each other before they were placed together you may have missed a window. Or she's simply not ready to mate yet (you haven't told us how old she is).

You can't force them to mate so you'll just have to wait until she's ready. She will be, sooner or later.

Do you have a laying bin in there just in case she does have infertile eggs at some point?
Thank you all for your help. Tomorrow I'm going to add photos of them. Maybe you can help me abaout her age.
He is my boy :)

It is his cage

and she is my girl

In the past she was in Sri-lanka kit but now she is in Exo-Terra glass terrarium 60*45*90 cm.

And this picture is about mating Unsucceeded mating :(
She looks big enough to mate. There is no way to get her to mate you just have to wait untill she is ready.

I take it this is your nosy be female and you know about crossing locales together?
I' have been waiting for half a year. No. I have forgotten to change my sign. I offered my friend to exchange female panthers 6 months ago. My old panther was nosy be but I don't know her morph or island. But I think she is not Sambava. So I don't know crossing locales together ?? Can you explain ?
You can still breed them but they must be labelled correctly and not as many people may want them because they are not pure.

It makes it even more complicated with the fact you have no clue what your female is at all. I personally wouldn't breed them at all not knowing the females locale even if she isn't Sambava.
:D I live in Turkey. In Turkey only I have panther chameleons. So ıf I want to sell them it is not difficult as you think :D so people wants babies because only I will sell panther chameleons. That's weird.
She is toooooooooooooooooo black to mate. What is the main reason. She just shed. And black colours come back!!!

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She could be gravid (infertile clutch), she could be stressed, she might not be ready to breed.

When she's ready you will know. Give her time.
I'm sure she couldn't be stressed. But I can't say anything about being gravid. I'm waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure she couldn't be stressed. But I can't say anything about being gravid. I'm waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you find a some random sexy girl on the street can you just "breed" with her cuz you want? No, so wait until she's ready. You're not even doing it for the trill just for the money. She's not ready when she is then you can breed them until then you're going to have to keep waaaaiiiitttiiinngggg!
In the end :) she let him. And.. Male is on female's back .. But he just waiting. He isn't acting :( they are just laying :(
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