Breeding Kinyongia multituberculata

this is the female

and here the male

same male picture taken this summer when he was outside
Nice pics Kawabunga-yours look very similar to mine. Now people may stop telling me my Multi's look overfed. They really do have alot of skin on their legs-almost making them look like they are wearing baggy pants.
Have my male for almost a year now he eats what he wants usually 2-3 crickets every 2 days or so. his weight is around the same every month between 61g and 68g.
He seems to do it right this way so i don't push him or give him less. if he doesn't shoot them right away i let them in the enclosure and they got shot eventually when he is in the mood. Ive notice that they can get shy time to time when it comes to feeding

thx for the coment on the picture, i like this one very much.
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