breeding questions


New Member
At what age do veileds lay their 1st eggs?
What should I be looking for so I can be sure to have a bucket in her cage?
My veiled just laid her first clutch yesterday she is aprox 8 months but I know that it can happen earlier. But trust me I was worried that I would not know when. They will let you know she will go to the bottom and start scratching alot and if you put her back at the top she will continue to go back down. She will not be eating as much or may stop eating all together. She will also look like her belly is really swollen. We nicked name our girl Jabba as she looked like Jabba from star wars she was so fat.
what size should the container be that I put in her cage? what should I fill it with and how often should I clean it out?
I always recommend having an opaque container of moistened washed sand in any egg-laying female's cage once she is over 4 months old. The smallest it should be is (when empty) big enough that she can fit into it with a couple of inches to spare on all sides including above and below her. This gives them a place to dig to show you that they are ready to lay eggs.

Failure to provide a spot for them can lead to eggbinding and eventually death if you miss the sometimes subtle signs that they need to lay. Is it worth the risk to lose the female by not doing so?

A veiled female can produce eggs as young as four months depending on her rate of growth and husbandry. They can also be prevented from producing any eggs by controlling their diet and husbandry.
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