breeding questions

the breeding is easy.
its the care of the babies thats expensive.
each female can lay 20+ eggs, then you got to deal with feeding those babies... and with each baby being able to eat 20+ bugs a day..
unless you can breed your own bugs, and breed enough to feed everybody, it can get costly.
veileds cost less than panthers do, so its really up to you.
i might be wrong comepletley but up until one age could all the babies live together

Not after a few weeks. They fight. They step on each other. They steal food directly from each other's mouths, which is a tongue accident waiting to happen. My clutch was eating 2000 crickets per WEEK. It would take a huge and smelly cricket colony to keep up with those feeding demands. You have to keep adding cages as they grow. And lights. And feeders. And feeders. And feeders:eek: And food for feeders.

It is not cheap at all. It will not make you rich. I don't even know how people raise veiled because it would cost more to raise them to selling age than you can sell them for. Of course I see little, teeny-weeny ones being sold, some look smaller than mine did at a week old. That would be cheap, but morally wrong on many levels in my book.

Do it for the experience and the education, and it will pay off for you. If you do it for the money- you will be highly disappointed.
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