breeding silkworms


New Member
tomorrow im going to buy 50 adult silkies and 2lb of pre made chaw ready to feed.

im going to try to breed my own silkies and never have to buy them again to save money.

tell me what you think guys....
Ive done it, with thousands of silkworms. It is very fun and a great experience but if your feeding them chow there going to go through ALOT of it. At one point I was feeding my silkworms a full trash bag of leaves a day. :eek: I kid you not a full big black heavy duty trash bag full of leaves. :eek: Enjoy its always fun, when you put on a brand new shirt on and the female moth who just came out of the cocoon squirts her juices all over you. :mad:

For sure look up and find the silkworms 101 thread you will find plenty of info on that thread.

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