Breeding Superworms

Is breeding superworms hard and please tell me what i need in order to do it. I want to breed these worms and not waste a ton of money. Im sure some people get my point in why i breed insects. So anyone had any success and how?
i had accidental success. this is how i did it:
1st: i put them in a dark place by themselves in a pill holder, or cup, waited a week or two, then, i put the beetles into another cage, to breed, and in another 2-3 weeks, you will see some worms, but that is just the basics. there is a video on youtube.

call me, and i can explain it more in depth.
Success so far clea, its a very slow process, plan on 3-4 months from start to your first batch of feeding size worms. I have two tubs of beetles at the moment, I probly wont see worms till sept.
If you check in my blog posts I have a full set of directions. Patience is the name of the game when raising super worms. 4 months is probably the best expected time from worm to worm...
The beetles give off a scent if you pester them. Its an unpleasant kinda burnt smell, but not strong, and its only if you bug them. The larva do not smell.
Okay i decided to do this. I read BocaJans blog and have an idea what to do now. i will make a video and let you guys all see it soon but is it okay if i take about 6 worms one in each cup and let those be the breeders? The thing im putting them in can only carry about 6-8 cups
I have to ask are the beatles that the supers turn into ok for chams to eat or should you stick with the worms
Starting off with six worms should result in 5-6 beetles (occassionally one wont pupate well). And yes That's enough to start a small breeding colony. In fact that's how many beetles I typically have at any one time.

Some chameleons will eat the beetles, others wont. If yours will, use the beetles only infrequently, as the shell is a bit sharp and hard to digest.
thanks i if i end up with any beetles i let them go cause i was unsure if i should feed to cham or not
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