BREV OWNERS..lets see some pix!

My worry would be that my pygmies travel lots of horizontal space everyday, and if your females needed to lay eggs, they may die eggbound due to lack of digging space.
Lots of people have them for sale... Mike at FL chams usually has a good stock of them, Steve at chameleons by design also has some. The hard thing about them is paying the $50 in shipping cost when the cham itself is less than $20... :p So it is best to get them at a show or include them in a larger order.
heres the little guys we picked up today!



im pretty sure the boy pygmy is temporalis not brevs he doesnt have`the skin tag thingy
All maryland reptile show

its about a 20 table expo, saw em in a cup couldnt pass em up

quick question,,,,,,

can brevs and Tempies mate and produce offspring?
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