Bright line at the top of veiled'd casque - problem or normal colouring?


New Member
Hello, just took some snapshots of my 15 month-old male veiled. The bright line at the top of his casque (quite obvious in the pictures below) concerns me a bit. Does this look like normal colouring to you? Or might he be rubbing/burning his casque?

He likes sitting at the very top of his cage, so he does rub his casque against the ceiling at times. I tried bringing his sitting branches a bit further down as he grew, but he still prefers being as high as possible in the cage. His basking light and the UV are separated by metal mesh. the mesh itself gets quite warm, but I've never seen him sitting with his casque reaching the mesh - it'd be quite difficult to do.

\What d
o you guys think?
No. That's not normal. That looks like either a thermal/UV burn (like a sunburn) or some sort of liquid/chemical burn? I think maybe a trip to get it checked out might not be a bad idea?
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