Issues with Rescued Veiled


New Member
Hello all! I have been sleuthing on here for a while now, but I have finally decided it is time to make my own post for specific help.

Brief History: A little over a month ago I rescued a male veiled chameleon from a "friend". She said he is around a year old. She was keeping him in the proper sized cage, but undecorated and without proper heating/lighting/humidity, and I assume improper nutrition. He was huddled on the floor of his cage when I picked him up. I had never planned on getting a chameleon, but I couldn't stand by and let her "care" for him like that. I have lots of reptile experience, but chameleons have been a whole other ball game. I've been flying by the seat of my pants trying to provide him with the best care possible. I still think I am doing some things wrong, hence why I am here. I have never kept a species with such conflicting info available online.

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Male Veiled Cham; over a year old; I've had him for almost two months
  • Handling - I don't handle him at all. His previous owner held him all of the time according to her, but he's never acted like he wants to come out so I leave him alone.
  • Feeding & Supplements - He gets Dubia roaches or crickets. I had been feeding him super worms but stopped when I read here that they were less than ideal. He gets 5 feeders (of small to medium size) every T/Th/Sat. His dusting schedule is more often not dusted than dusted. I don't keep religious track of it (I never have for any of my reptiles). Every 3 or so feeds I dust the bugs, always with calc, sometimes with calc w/ D3, and sometimes with Reptivite. He never gets D3 or Reptivite more than twice a month. He has a great feeding response. I feed him out of a red solo cup after learning that tongs are no bueno. The bugs are fed with Mazuri gutload stuff.
  • Watering - I have a small glass of water resting in one of his plants for him to drink out of. There are also two of those little dishes crested geckos eat from that I have water in usually. I hand mist twice a day on average, once in the morning and once right before bed. I usually spray for 30-40 seconds with a focus on his plants, real & fake. I tried using a dripper for a while (I still have it) but I couldn't figure out what to do with the runoff of it. It was just making a mess. I've only seen him drink droplets from his plants once or twice, but he is alone in a separate room most of the time. Every two to three days I use an oral syringe to give him water directly (I drip it onto his lips) and he'll usually drink two of those before he is done.
  • Fecal Description - He has not been tested for parasites. His poop looks brown and consistent. He's only pooped 3 times (that I've found; he likes to poop in his Pothos) since I've gotten him. Pics of his most recent poop and urate are included at the bottom

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Typical Cham cage; 2x2x4 with mesh sides and a glass door.
  • Lighting - The basking bulb is a 50w light, Zoomed I think. Just their typical basking light- not red or a weird color or anything. He was previously on a 5.0 reptisun coil UVB, but a few days ago I switched him to a T5 5.0 tube UVB after reading tube ones are better. I have since read that T8s are easier to use than T5s, but I spent $70 and I bought it from a local store with a strict return policy so I'd love instruction on how to use it properly. Before I switched UVB setups I was using a grow light, just the typical kind you can by at Walmart. However, I've stopped turning it on since the switch because I was worried it was too bright in there. His basking light comes on at 7 every morning and turns off at 7 every night. The new UVB I don't have on a timer yet so I've been switching it on around 7-9 in the morning and turning it back off at 6-7 at night.
  • Temperature - Basking spot gets up to 80. The ambient range is from 75 to 67. (These are Fahrenheit btw). Night drops to 64/63 depending.
  • Humidity - AM humidity levels are between 35-47. At night it rises to around 70-80. I've been very confused bc some people swear by humidity spikes at night whereas some people say to just keep it around 50 all of the time. I have a Mistking system that goes off every hour for one minute starting at 8 pm and going till 4 am. I used to have a fogger but I stopped using it because it soaked my carpet. However, I am using it tonight because the little guy looks dehydrated. I suck it up and use it moving forward if people think it would be beneficial, but I have also heard wildly different advice regarding foggers and misters. I have two of the sides covered with purple trash bags to help with humidity and I also have a piece of foil covering a portion of the top.
  • Plants - He has two live plants; a pothos and what I was bought thinking was a philodendron, but have since been told it may be a monstera. He eats the pothos, not the other thing. There is also some weird plant on the ground I got from a random old lady. I don't know what it is, but he doesn't go down there anyway so I am not worried.
  • Placement - It is in a spare room. The only traffic is me going in twice a day to check on him, sometimes checking more often if I have the day off, but I usually try and give him space. There is one vent but it's a ways away.
  • Location - Kansas, US

Current Problem - I just feel like something is wrong. He isn't very active. Sometimes he'll move to the top to bask and then do a quick lap or two, but after 9:30 am he's usually just sitting in the spot he's in in the photos. When I first got him he moved around quite a bit. He doesn't seem cold since he isn't staying huddled under his basking light and he isn't dark brown. His "resting" color is a tan/green with black spots. He doesn't sleep during the day (as far as I know). He's always alert when I check on him, but just sitting there. I'm trying so hard and I am feeling very defeated by the thought of him being uncomfortable. Please help.


His eyes aren't usually this wrinkly. For some reason he was dehydrated today. I gave him water directly and am putting his fogger on tonight. Also, the burn on his head was already there when I got him.
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I will split this in two posts. See my feedback in red.

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Male Veiled Cham; over a year old; I've had him for almost two months
  • Handling - I don't handle him at all. His previous owner held him all of the time according to her, but he's never acted like he wants to come out so I leave him alone. veiled chams especially are not ‘people persons’ 🤣 handling can stress them HOWEVER you do want to build trust with him. @MissSkittles has a great blog on this. I’ll ask her to post the link for you.
  • Feeding & Supplements - He gets Dubia roaches or crickets. I had been feeding him super worms but stopped when I read here that they were less than ideal. He gets 5 feeders (of small to medium size) every T/Th/Sat. His dusting schedule is more often not dusted than dusted. I don't keep religious track of it (I never have for any of my reptiles). Every 3 or so feeds I dust the bugs, always with calc, sometimes with calc w/ D3, and sometimes with Reptivite. He never gets D3 or Reptivite more than twice a month. He has a great feeding response. I feed him out of a red solo cup after learning that tongs are no bueno. The bugs are fed with Mazuri gutload stuff. dubia and crickets are great. Super worms are ok, just more of a treat and they can be addictive. But a perfectly fine treat for
  • Them. I’ll attach a feeder and gutload list. Try adding a bit more variety. bSFL are great. As far as supplements. Calcium without D3 should be dusted on every bug at every feeding except twice a month. Those two feedings use the reptivite with D3. I prefer repashy plus loD over reptivite, as it sticks better, but that’s a personal preference. I’ve never used Mazuri and I am not familiar. A good comercial gut load is repashy bug burger. Frequency and amount of your feedings are good!
  • Watering - I have a small glass of water resting in one of his plants for him to drink out of. There are also two of those little dishes crested geckos eat from that I have water in usually. I hand mist twice a day on average, once in the morning and once right before bed. I usually spray for 30-40 seconds with a focus on his plants, real & fake. I tried using a dripper for a while (I still have it) but I couldn't figure out what to do with the runoff of it. It was just making a mess. I've only seen him drink droplets from his plants once or twice, but he is alone in a separate room most of the time. Every two to three days I use an oral syringe to give him water directly (I drip it onto his lips) and he'll usually drink two of those before he is done. Ok so most chams are shy drinkers. Toss the dishes of water, these just garner bacteria and if they poop in it or the bugs do, it’s just a mess. They won’t drink out of dishes anyway. Mister and fogger withe a dripper is perfect. If you need a hydration boost, hornworms are great for that. I would not use the syringe either. Their airway is in the front of their mouth and it’s just risky. For drainage, there are multiple solutions and it just depends on what works for you. Some use a shop vac. Most of us have drilled holes in the bottom of the enclosure and have a bucket or something underneath to catch the run off. We can get in to detail on this if you have more questions.
  • Fecal Description - He has not been tested for parasites. His poop looks brown and consistent. He's only pooped 3 times (that I've found; he likes to poop in his Pothos) since I've gotten him. Pics of his most recent poop and urate are included at the bottom this is how you will monitor hydration since they are shy drinkers. Some keepers never see their Cham drink. Half or more white urate is what you want. Your guys looks great.


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Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Typical Cham cage; 2x2x4 with mesh sides and a glass door. perfect
  • Lighting - The basking bulb is a 50w light, Zoomed I think. Just their typical basking light- not red or a weird color or anything. He was previously on a 5.0 reptisun coil UVB, but a few days ago I switched him to a T5 5.0 tube UVB after reading tube ones are better. I have since read that T8s are easier to use than T5s, but I spent $70 and I bought it from a local store with a strict return policy so I'd love instruction on how to use it properly. Before I switched UVB setups I was using a grow light, just the typical kind you can by at Walmart. However, I've stopped turning it on since the switch because I was worried it was too bright in there. His basking light comes on at 7 every morning and turns off at 7 every night. The new UVB I don't have on a timer yet so I've been switching it on around 7-9 in the morning and turning it back off at 6-7 at night. this is perfect. T5 is what you want!! Do not get the T8! Could you tell me what brand it is though? 12 hours on and 12 off for lights is what you want to have. Many of us use grow lights along with the basking and UVB. So it should be just fine to use.
  • Temperature - Basking spot gets up to 80. The ambient range is from 75 to 67. (These are Fahrenheit btw). Night drops to 64/63 depending. perfect!!!
  • Humidity - AM humidity levels are between 35-47. At night it rises to around 70-80. I've been very confused bc some people swear by humidity spikes at night whereas some people say to just keep it around 50 all of the time. I have a Mistking system that goes off every hour for one minute starting at 8 pm and going till 4 am. I used to have a fogger but I stopped using it because it soaked my carpet. However, I am using it tonight because the little guy looks dehydrated. I suck it up and use it moving forward if people think it would be beneficial, but I have also heard wildly different advice regarding foggers and misters. I have two of the sides covered with purple trash bags to help with humidity and I also have a piece of foil covering a portion of the top. humidity levels are perfect. The spike at night is amazing as long as you have temps in the 60s. Above that can cause respitory infections. Typical schedule for misting is right before lights on and off for at least 2 minutes. It can take up to 2 min to trigger drinking urge and let them clean their eyes. I also do a short misting during the afternoon. As long as the enclosure has time to dry out in between sessions. Misting and fogging schedules all depend on where you live. It’s something you just gotta play with till you get good humidity levels and hydration.
  • Plants - He has two live plants; a pothos and what I was bought thinking was a philodendron, but have since been told it may be a monstera. He eats the pothos, not the other thing. There is also some weird plant on the ground I got from a random old lady. I don't know what it is, but he doesn't go down there anyway so I am not worried. pull the fake plants. These are an impaction risk. Live plants only. I’ll attach a safe plant list. Pathos are perfect. Make sure you look at the ones on the list that day veiled tested.
  • Placement - It is in a spare room. The only traffic is me going in twice a day to check on him, sometimes checking more often if I have the day off, but I usually try and give him space. There is one vent but it's a ways away. this is good. What height does the top of the cage sit at?
  • Location - Kansas, US hello neighbor! I’m in Missouri 🤣

Current Problem - I just feel like something is wrong. He isn't very active. Sometimes he'll move to the top to bask and then do a quick lap or two, but after 9:30 am he's usually just sitting in the spot he's in in the photos. When I first got him he moved around quite a bit. He doesn't seem cold since he isn't staying huddled under his basking light and he isn't dark brown. His "resting" color is a tan/green with black spots. He doesn't sleep during the day (as far as I know). He's always alert when I check on him, but just sitting there. I'm trying so hard and I am feeling very defeated by the thought of him being uncomfortable. Please help. You are doing great. Really. I would not worry. This does not seem concerning to me. Maybe someone else will chime in here, but I wouldn’t freak out. He’s making his ‘rounds’ and just chilling it sounds like. Overall you are doing great. Just a couple tweaks here and there. I do wanna ask about that burn. Has it been treated? How old is it? He may or may not lose that part of his casque. Sometimes bad burns will kill the tissue and it will fall off. Also, does he have a name yet? He looks pretty good overall and we are glad to have you both here. Welcome to the chamily!


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I’m also looking at your set up, he could use some more vines/ branches. You can use ones you find outside as long as they are not from sap producing trees. Just wash with hot water and dawn and let dry and they are good to go.
Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Typical Cham cage; 2x2x4 with mesh sides and a glass door. perfect
  • Lighting - The basking bulb is a 50w light, Zoomed I think. Just their typical basking light- not red or a weird color or anything. He was previously on a 5.0 reptisun coil UVB, but a few days ago I switched him to a T5 5.0 tube UVB after reading tube ones are better. I have since read that T8s are easier to use than T5s, but I spent $70 and I bought it from a local store with a strict return policy so I'd love instruction on how to use it properly. Before I switched UVB setups I was using a grow light, just the typical kind you can by at Walmart. However, I've stopped turning it on since the switch because I was worried it was too bright in there. His basking light comes on at 7 every morning and turns off at 7 every night. The new UVB I don't have on a timer yet so I've been switching it on around 7-9 in the morning and turning it back off at 6-7 at night. this is perfect. T5 is what you want!! Do not get the T8! Could you tell me what brand it is though? 12 hours on and 12 off for lights is what you want to have. Many of us use grow lights along with the basking and UVB. So it should be just fine to use.
  • Temperature - Basking spot gets up to 80. The ambient range is from 75 to 67. (These are Fahrenheit btw). Night drops to 64/63 depending. perfect!!!
  • Humidity - AM humidity levels are between 35-47. At night it rises to around 70-80. I've been very confused bc some people swear by humidity spikes at night whereas some people say to just keep it around 50 all of the time. I have a Mistking system that goes off every hour for one minute starting at 8 pm and going till 4 am. I used to have a fogger but I stopped using it because it soaked my carpet. However, I am using it tonight because the little guy looks dehydrated. I suck it up and use it moving forward if people think it would be beneficial, but I have also heard wildly different advice regarding foggers and misters. I have two of the sides covered with purple trash bags to help with humidity and I also have a piece of foil covering a portion of the top. humidity levels are perfect. The spike at night is amazing as long as you have temps in the 60s. Above that can cause respitory infections. Typical schedule for misting is right before lights on and off for at least 2 minutes. It can take up to 2 min to trigger drinking urge and let them clean their eyes. I also do a short misting during the afternoon. As long as the enclosure has time to dry out in between sessions. Misting and fogging schedules all depend on where you live. It’s something you just gotta play with till you get good humidity levels and hydration.
  • Plants - He has two live plants; a pothos and what I was bought thinking was a philodendron, but have since been told it may be a monstera. He eats the pothos, not the other thing. There is also some weird plant on the ground I got from a random old lady. I don't know what it is, but he doesn't go down there anyway so I am not worried. pull the fake plants. These are an impaction risk. Live plants only. I’ll attach a safe plant list. Pathos are perfect. Make sure you look at the ones on the list that day veiled tested.
  • Placement - It is in a spare room. The only traffic is me going in twice a day to check on him, sometimes checking more often if I have the day off, but I usually try and give him space. There is one vent but it's a ways away. this is good. What height does the top of the cage sit at?
  • Location - Kansas, US hello neighbor! I’m in Missouri 🤣

Current Problem - I just feel like something is wrong. He isn't very active. Sometimes he'll move to the top to bask and then do a quick lap or two, but after 9:30 am he's usually just sitting in the spot he's in in the photos. When I first got him he moved around quite a bit. He doesn't seem cold since he isn't staying huddled under his basking light and he isn't dark brown. His "resting" color is a tan/green with black spots. He doesn't sleep during the day (as far as I know). He's always alert when I check on him, but just sitting there. I'm trying so hard and I am feeling very defeated by the thought of him being uncomfortable. Please help. You are doing great. Really. I would not worry. This does not seem concerning to me. Maybe someone else will chime in here, but I wouldn’t freak out. He’s making his ‘rounds’ and just chilling it sounds like. Overall you are doing great. Just a couple tweaks here and there. I do wanna ask about that burn. Has it been treated? How old is it? He may or may not lose that part of his casque. Sometimes bad burns will kill the tissue and it will fall off. Also, does he have a name yet? He looks pretty good overall and we are glad to have you both here. Welcome to the chamily!
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I already feel a lot better. His UVB bulb is a reptisun, but the tube type. Does it look like it is a proper distance from his basking spot? Also, any tips to keep the fogger from soaking the carpet around the cage? I thought as long as the plants weren't silk they were okay.The ones in there are a plastic with no sharp edges. I got some feedback from chameleon reddit (who have so much conflicting info, but I was familiar with reddit so I tried to reach out there first) who said he was too exposed so that's why I added them. I can work towards replacing them with live plants either way, I'm just curious if I really need to pull them all tomorrow. And the cage is on the floor, so it's 4 ft high. I know they like to be high up, so I always sit on the ground to make sure I'm lower than him when feeding or interacting. I don't know much about the burn, just that it was there when I got him. I've poked his casque there and it is firm. He also has a tiny spot of it on his ?spines? on his back. I've never put anything on it. Honestly, I'm not 100% certain its a burn. I just assumed, since that is a common place for it and the discoloration hasn't grown. And yes, he does have a name! His name is Felix :) Thank you again for the advice and the warm welcome!
It’s @Beman who wrote this blog on trust and it’s fantastic! Since the first I read it and all the way until now, I still use the methods to maintain trust with my crew.
I’m a bit lazy today (this month!) and haven’t done more than a super quick scan of everything, but @Gloriawood is awesome and knows her stuff well. Btw, bless you for saving this poor little guy. 💗
Thank you!!! You and @Beman have both helped me so much that sometimes I get who has said and done what mixed up 🙃 🤣
reptisun is perfect. We only reccomend that brand and Arcadia. It should be 8-9 inches from the bulb to the basking branch. Do you have the 22 inch one? This will put Felix at the right distance. As far as the fogger, I will not be any help. I do not use one. Where I am located typically stays humid and I can get his humidity high enough at night with out it. Maybe some plastic or a shower curtain underneath the enclosure? I’m sure someone else will chime in on this. The plants do need to go. Especially since he is already munching on the live ones. If he even takes just one bite of those, they can impact him. If you feel he needs more cover (more is always better) you can attach them on the outside of the enclosure. That’s what I do. I am terrible with plants and between that and my guys taste for eating them, it’s a job to keep them alive 🤣. Having them outside the cage give extra security and no risk of impaction. I’ll attach a photo of my enclosure. I’ve not used Reddit for chameleon info, from what I’ve heard here they are not the greatest. I steer clear of those subreddits. Chameleon academy, Neptune the chameleon and this forum the best sources for up to date and correct info. If you can, put the enclosure up on something. A lot of people use wire shelves. This works great because you can just slide a bucket under the cage to catch run off if you drill holes in the floor of the enclosure. Until then, great that you make sure you are lower than him. That’s what you need to do. Yes it does look like a burn. Keep a close eye on that. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to get him seen by an experienced vet. Often they can require antibiotics. But I have seen much worse burns on here. Silver sulfadiazine is the typical treatment for burns, but can only be prescribed by a vet. @janjan20 can you post the vet list? He should get a fecal for parasites anyway. We have a list of vets that we know are experienced with chams. Overall, you are in good shape. The main things that need to be addressed first I would say are just adjusting the supplements mentioned previously, add some more branches and the plants. You have much more correct than many people do when the first come here. Oh! I forgot to mention, the monstera should be fine. It’s not on the safe list, but it is fine. I have one in my enclosure that my guy munches on all the time. Chameleon academy has a bigger list of safe plants if you want to check it out. Again, just make sure they are marked veiled tested. This means they are safe for plant munchers. Other chameleons don’t tend to eat plants like our veiled babies do 🤣 ask all the questions you need. There are never stupid ones and never too many. We love to help around here. We are so glad to have you and Felix here!


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Hi there welcome to the forum. I would like to go into specifics for your UVB. You do not have a standard aluminum screen top on the cage. Your using a much larger gauge screen which will not reduce the UVI level to the 40% that aluminum screen will. So we need to take into consideration this fact. Essentially the feedback for distance will change to a distance farther way for the branch. But I need to know on that reptisun bulb did you get the 5.0 or the 10.0 bulb? It should say on the end of the glass of the bulb which it is. This makes a difference as well as the 10.0 is stronger. Also can you take a picture of the fixture. Not all fixtures are made the same and the reflector type is going to make a difference as well. I will be able to give you a distance for everything once I have these details.
reptisun is perfect. We only reccomend that brand and Arcadia. It should be 8-9 inches from the bulb to the basking branch. Do you have the 22 inch one? This will put Felix at the right distance. As far as the fogger, I will not be any help. I do not use one. Where I am located typically stays humid and I can get his humidity high enough at night with out it. Maybe some plastic or a shower curtain underneath the enclosure? I’m sure someone else will chime in on this. The plants do need to go. Especially since he is already munching on the live ones. If he even takes just one bite of those, they can impact him. If you feel he needs more cover (more is always better) you can attach them on the outside of the enclosure. That’s what I do. I am terrible with plants and between that and my guys taste for eating them, it’s a job to keep them alive 🤣. Having them outside the cage give extra security and no risk of impaction. I’ll attach a photo of my enclosure. I’ve not used Reddit for chameleon info, from what I’ve heard here they are not the greatest. I steer clear of those subreddits. Chameleon academy, Neptune the chameleon and this forum the best sources for up to date and correct info. If you can, put the enclosure up on something. A lot of people use wire shelves. This works great because you can just slide a bucket under the cage to catch run off if you drill holes in the floor of the enclosure. Until then, great that you make sure you are lower than him. That’s what you need to do. Yes it does look like a burn. Keep a close eye on that. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to get him seen by an experienced vet. Often they can require antibiotics. But I have seen much worse burns on here. Silver sulfadiazine is the typical treatment for burns, but can only be prescribed by a vet. @janjan20 can you post the vet list? He should get a fecal for parasites anyway. We have a list of vets that we know are experienced with chams. Overall, you are in good shape. The main things that need to be addressed first I would say are just adjusting the supplements mentioned previously, add some more branches and the plants. You have much more correct than many people do when the first come here. Oh! I forgot to mention, the monstera should be fine. It’s not on the safe list, but it is fine. I have one in my enclosure that my guy munches on all the time. Chameleon academy has a bigger list of safe plants if you want to check it out. Again, just make sure they are marked veiled tested. This means they are safe for plant munchers. Other chameleons don’t tend to eat plants like our veiled babies do 🤣 ask all the questions you need. There are never stupid ones and never too many. We love to help around here. We are so glad to have you and Felix here!
Okay, I'll make those adjustments! Thank you again for the advice! I already have an exotics vet in my area that I use when any of my herps have issues, so I'll probably go there. I've glanced over y'all's vet list previously and there arent any on there which are in my state.
Hi there welcome to the forum. I would like to go into specifics for your UVB. You do not have a standard aluminum screen top on the cage. Your using a much larger gauge screen which will not reduce the UVI level to the 40% that aluminum screen will. So we need to take into consideration this fact. Essentially the feedback for distance will change to a distance farther way for the branch. But I need to know on that reptisun bulb did you get the 5.0 or the 10.0 bulb? It should say on the end of the glass of the bulb which it is. This makes a difference as well as the 10.0 is stronger. Also can you take a picture of the fixture. Not all fixtures are made the same and the reflector type is going to make a difference as well. I will be able to give you a distance for everything once I have these details.
Its a 5.0 reptisun. I can get a picture of the ficture tmr.
Okay, I'll make those adjustments! Thank you again for the advice! I already have an exotics vet in my area that I use when any of my herps have issues, so I'll probably go there. I've glanced over y'all's vet list previously and there arent any on there which are in my state.
Awesome! Just keep us posted how things are going
Awesome! Just keep us posted how things are going
Honestly, he's already doing so much better! I think it's the fogger at night. He's been very active and moving around. Today I took out all of his fake plants so now his cage looks a little sad :( Later this week I'll pick up some new live plants to try and put in there. BTW his monstera is temporarily removed bc it was having some root rot issues so she needs to dry out for a few days lol. This evening he was even letting me "handle" him with our branch thing. Could this be a sign that he doesn't like something in his setup or do you think this is good? Sorry, I'm such a nervous pet mom 😅
Honestly, he's already doing so much better! I think it's the fogger at night. He's been very active and moving around. Today I took out all of his fake plants so now his cage looks a little sad :( Later this week I'll pick up some new live plants to try and put in there. BTW his monstera is temporarily removed bc it was having some root rot issues so she needs to dry out for a few days lol. This evening he was even letting me "handle" him with our branch thing. Could this be a sign that he doesn't like something in his setup or do you think this is good? Sorry, I'm such a nervous pet mom 😅View attachment 360940View attachment 360941
Its a 5.0 reptisun. I can get a picture of the ficture tmr.
Ok with a 5.0 you need a total distance of 10 inches from the bottom of that fixture to the branches below. Which means you will need to lift the fixture up off the top of the cage. So with that 10 inch distance because of the type of gauge screen you have on the top of the cage this will give you a 3 UVI level for exposure. Right now he is in an over exposure zone with how close he is sitting to it.

Next per the cage. Remove the aluminum foil off the top. You do not want to ever block air flow on the top. No hammocks as well they get their toe nails caught in them and they do not walk flat footed like that they need branches to grip. This includes that rope ladder these are not recommended for the same reasons. Also remove the fogger from the cage. Not only is this not safe it is not how you should have a fogger. You want it outside the cage with a pvc tube attached to the top and a 90 degree elbow put in at the top to turn to go over the cage top. Fog falls so it should fall in from the top of the cage. With how it is now the bottom part of the cage is the only area getting fog.
Ok with a 5.0 you need a total distance of 10 inches from the bottom of that fixture to the branches below. Which means you will need to lift the fixture up off the top of the cage. So with that 10 inch distance because of the type of gauge screen you have on the top of the cage this will give you a 3 UVI level for exposure. Right now he is in an over exposure zone with how close he is sitting to it.

Next per the cage. Remove the aluminum foil off the top. You do not want to ever block air flow on the top. No hammocks as well they get their toe nails caught in them and they do not walk flat footed like that they need branches to grip. This includes that rope ladder these are not recommended for the same reasons. Also remove the fogger from the cage. Not only is this not safe it is not how you should have a fogger. You want it outside the cage with a pvc tube attached to the top and a 90 degree elbow put in at the top to turn to go over the cage top. Fog falls so it should fall in from the top of the cage. With how it is now the bottom part of the cage is the only area getting fog.
Okay, I’ll work towards making those changes. In the meantime should I just keep the UVB off? It’ll be a few days until I have a chance to redo his set up
Okay, I’ll work towards making those changes. In the meantime should I just keep the UVB off? It’ll be a few days until I have a chance to redo his set up
No, they should not just go without UVB. I would make it a priority to make the change to the UVB if possible.
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