New Member
Hello all! I have been sleuthing on here for a while now, but I have finally decided it is time to make my own post for specific help.
Brief History: A little over a month ago I rescued a male veiled chameleon from a "friend". She said he is around a year old. She was keeping him in the proper sized cage, but undecorated and without proper heating/lighting/humidity, and I assume improper nutrition. He was huddled on the floor of his cage when I picked him up. I had never planned on getting a chameleon, but I couldn't stand by and let her "care" for him like that. I have lots of reptile experience, but chameleons have been a whole other ball game. I've been flying by the seat of my pants trying to provide him with the best care possible. I still think I am doing some things wrong, hence why I am here. I have never kept a species with such conflicting info available online.
Chameleon Info:
Cage Info:
Current Problem - I just feel like something is wrong. He isn't very active. Sometimes he'll move to the top to bask and then do a quick lap or two, but after 9:30 am he's usually just sitting in the spot he's in in the photos. When I first got him he moved around quite a bit. He doesn't seem cold since he isn't staying huddled under his basking light and he isn't dark brown. His "resting" color is a tan/green with black spots. He doesn't sleep during the day (as far as I know). He's always alert when I check on him, but just sitting there. I'm trying so hard and I am feeling very defeated by the thought of him being uncomfortable. Please help.
His eyes aren't usually this wrinkly. For some reason he was dehydrated today. I gave him water directly and am putting his fogger on tonight. Also, the burn on his head was already there when I got him.
Brief History: A little over a month ago I rescued a male veiled chameleon from a "friend". She said he is around a year old. She was keeping him in the proper sized cage, but undecorated and without proper heating/lighting/humidity, and I assume improper nutrition. He was huddled on the floor of his cage when I picked him up. I had never planned on getting a chameleon, but I couldn't stand by and let her "care" for him like that. I have lots of reptile experience, but chameleons have been a whole other ball game. I've been flying by the seat of my pants trying to provide him with the best care possible. I still think I am doing some things wrong, hence why I am here. I have never kept a species with such conflicting info available online.
Chameleon Info:
- Your Chameleon - Male Veiled Cham; over a year old; I've had him for almost two months
- Handling - I don't handle him at all. His previous owner held him all of the time according to her, but he's never acted like he wants to come out so I leave him alone.
- Feeding & Supplements - He gets Dubia roaches or crickets. I had been feeding him super worms but stopped when I read here that they were less than ideal. He gets 5 feeders (of small to medium size) every T/Th/Sat. His dusting schedule is more often not dusted than dusted. I don't keep religious track of it (I never have for any of my reptiles). Every 3 or so feeds I dust the bugs, always with calc, sometimes with calc w/ D3, and sometimes with Reptivite. He never gets D3 or Reptivite more than twice a month. He has a great feeding response. I feed him out of a red solo cup after learning that tongs are no bueno. The bugs are fed with Mazuri gutload stuff.
- Watering - I have a small glass of water resting in one of his plants for him to drink out of. There are also two of those little dishes crested geckos eat from that I have water in usually. I hand mist twice a day on average, once in the morning and once right before bed. I usually spray for 30-40 seconds with a focus on his plants, real & fake. I tried using a dripper for a while (I still have it) but I couldn't figure out what to do with the runoff of it. It was just making a mess. I've only seen him drink droplets from his plants once or twice, but he is alone in a separate room most of the time. Every two to three days I use an oral syringe to give him water directly (I drip it onto his lips) and he'll usually drink two of those before he is done.
- Fecal Description - He has not been tested for parasites. His poop looks brown and consistent. He's only pooped 3 times (that I've found; he likes to poop in his Pothos) since I've gotten him. Pics of his most recent poop and urate are included at the bottom
Cage Info:
- Cage Type - Typical Cham cage; 2x2x4 with mesh sides and a glass door.
- Lighting - The basking bulb is a 50w light, Zoomed I think. Just their typical basking light- not red or a weird color or anything. He was previously on a 5.0 reptisun coil UVB, but a few days ago I switched him to a T5 5.0 tube UVB after reading tube ones are better. I have since read that T8s are easier to use than T5s, but I spent $70 and I bought it from a local store with a strict return policy so I'd love instruction on how to use it properly. Before I switched UVB setups I was using a grow light, just the typical kind you can by at Walmart. However, I've stopped turning it on since the switch because I was worried it was too bright in there. His basking light comes on at 7 every morning and turns off at 7 every night. The new UVB I don't have on a timer yet so I've been switching it on around 7-9 in the morning and turning it back off at 6-7 at night.
- Temperature - Basking spot gets up to 80. The ambient range is from 75 to 67. (These are Fahrenheit btw). Night drops to 64/63 depending.
- Humidity - AM humidity levels are between 35-47. At night it rises to around 70-80. I've been very confused bc some people swear by humidity spikes at night whereas some people say to just keep it around 50 all of the time. I have a Mistking system that goes off every hour for one minute starting at 8 pm and going till 4 am. I used to have a fogger but I stopped using it because it soaked my carpet. However, I am using it tonight because the little guy looks dehydrated. I suck it up and use it moving forward if people think it would be beneficial, but I have also heard wildly different advice regarding foggers and misters. I have two of the sides covered with purple trash bags to help with humidity and I also have a piece of foil covering a portion of the top.
- Plants - He has two live plants; a pothos and what I was bought thinking was a philodendron, but have since been told it may be a monstera. He eats the pothos, not the other thing. There is also some weird plant on the ground I got from a random old lady. I don't know what it is, but he doesn't go down there anyway so I am not worried.
- Placement - It is in a spare room. The only traffic is me going in twice a day to check on him, sometimes checking more often if I have the day off, but I usually try and give him space. There is one vent but it's a ways away.
- Location - Kansas, US
Current Problem - I just feel like something is wrong. He isn't very active. Sometimes he'll move to the top to bask and then do a quick lap or two, but after 9:30 am he's usually just sitting in the spot he's in in the photos. When I first got him he moved around quite a bit. He doesn't seem cold since he isn't staying huddled under his basking light and he isn't dark brown. His "resting" color is a tan/green with black spots. He doesn't sleep during the day (as far as I know). He's always alert when I check on him, but just sitting there. I'm trying so hard and I am feeling very defeated by the thought of him being uncomfortable. Please help.

His eyes aren't usually this wrinkly. For some reason he was dehydrated today. I gave him water directly and am putting his fogger on tonight. Also, the burn on his head was already there when I got him.

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