Broken Leg?? Injured?? Advice please!


New Member
Well... I ended up bringing my vielded up to Ottawa. And he ended up going to the ground over and over again. I thought it was just cause he was stressed out so I let him be. But now I saw him walking around, and it looks as if he is dragging his back leg around??? What can I do about this? Any way to tell if it is? If I brought him to the vet could they do anything for a broken leg if it is? Any advice is appreciated.

OK, I dont think his leg is broken. I just handled him and he was able to grip with all of them. Though, he looks weak. Fell from middle of cage when I put him on a branch. I think he is stressed. I picked him up some silkworms and some butterworms to try and cheer him up. Any ideas?

I also covered the cage w/ blankets to hide people walking by him until he becomes a bit more active. (He is in a area where people would walk by.)
all that has been fixed. He now has a 10UVB bulb and two bulbs for heating and a 2x2x4' cage. Lots of green. I think it is just stress as he seems to run to the bottom. Never had that problem before he was brought up here.
If you are only giving him a vitamin is he getting calcium?

I thought that in one of your earlier emails you said you were using..."Sticky Tongue Farms. Miner-All - I (I=indoor) Contains D3"...did you switch? Did I misread it?
Can you post a recent picture of him?

Do his legs look straight between the knee and ankle, wrist and elbow, etc.?
He looks fine. I think he is just stressed out. As I said. It was about a 3.5 hour drive in a box for him. Had to re-arrange his cage as well. Probably not the greatest time he is having. I will post a picture if people want still.

He is able to grip on to me with all fours.
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