Broken tail? Please help


New Member
Hi everyone, I was hoping someone could help. We are looking after my parents 7 month old female veiled Cham while they are away. We've got her out for 10 minutes this afternoon and noticed this kink and bruise on her tail. She's had then curled up fine today and we've not noticed it until now. Can anyone please offer any advice on what to do? I'm worried it's broken. Should I get her straight the vets? Thanks so much in advance


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Hi there welcome to the forum. So she is able to totally curl it up or was that before you noticed the kink?
Looks like she may have had her tail shut in the door. Unless it is from a fall but the look of it looks like a classic door ouchie. Could you post a full pic of her so I can see if her body looks ok? If they fall you typically will see signs of it.
A vet will not be able to do anything for this unless the end of the tail starts dying off then they have to amputate it so that the necrosis does not move farther up the tail. But as of right now you are not there. And if she is curling it then it should heal without issue. Granted it may always look a little odd when she holds it straight out. But it is something you want to keep an eye on.
Hi there welcome to the forum. So she is able to totally curl it up or was that before you noticed the kink?
Looks like she may have had her tail shut in the door. Unless it is from a fall but the look of it looks like a classic door ouchie. Could you post a full pic of her so I can see if her body looks ok? If they fall you typically will see signs of it.
A vet will not be able to do anything for this unless the end of the tail starts dying off then they have to amputate it so that the necrosis does not move farther up the tail. But as of right now you are not there. And if she is curling it then it should heal without issue. Granted it may always look a little odd when she holds it straight out. But it is something you want to keep an eye on.
Hiya, sorry for the confusion! The picture of her curling up her tail was after we'd noticed so she can definitely coil it up okay! I asked my partner and now he's thinking he trapped it yesterday during feeding 😔 we feel so awful and she's really annoyed at us - she's normally so docile! Thank you for your advice - what kind of things should be be keeping an eye out for?
Hiya, sorry for the confusion! The picture of her curling up her tail was after we'd noticed so she can definitely coil it up okay! I asked my partner and now he's thinking he trapped it yesterday during feeding 😔 we feel so awful and she's really annoyed at us - she's normally so docile! Thank you for your advice - what kind of things should be be keeping an eye out for?
Did your partner by chance post with a different new account as well? Looks like the exact same pic but I am seeing other potential issues with the enclosure set up. If yall are open to feedback then I would be happy to help. I know you said it is not your cham but this girl is high risk for some pretty major health issues if her set up is not corrected.

Per the tail just make sure that it does not start turning black on the entire end. This is a sign of necrosis. If it is just on the kink part but the end is healthy then that is just bruising. Since she can do a full tail curl this is really good means the function is still good and something that should heal up.
Did your partner by chance post with a different new account as well? Looks like the exact same pic but I am seeing other potential issues with the enclosure set up. If yall are open to feedback then I would be happy to help. I know you said it is not your cham but this girl is high risk for some pretty major health issues if her set up is not corrected.

Per the tail just make sure that it does not start turning black on the entire end. This is a sign of necrosis. If it is just on the kink part but the end is healthy then that is just bruising. Since she can do a full tail curl this is really good means the function is still good and something that should heal up.
Hi, yes he did - he didn't realise I had posted on here for advice as well. As far as I'm aware, they're following advice from their friend who's a reptile shop owner. Of course, any feedback/concerns, please do send me a message and I'll pass it over to them. Thank you for your help, we will keep an eye on her little wonky tail.
Hi, yes he did - he didn't realise I had posted on here for advice as well. As far as I'm aware, they're following advice from their friend who's a reptile shop owner. Of course, any feedback/concerns, please do send me a message and I'll pass it over to them. Thank you for your help, we will keep an eye on her little wonky tail.
In the pic he posted I could not see the lighting on the top of the cage... If she does not have the proper UVB she will develop MBD this in turn will cause major issues when it comes time for her to lay eggs. Females lay infertile eggs. She will also need a lay bin as a permanent fixture in her cage. They also should adjust the vines and add proper plants. Succulents are not recommended with chams and veileds will try to eat their plants. I bring it up because chameleons are more of a specialty reptile. Most people unless they are in the hobby and active do not know proper husbandry for them. So people get incorrect info quite often.

You can give your parents this site to read about proper husbandry.

And refer them to the forum for any questions they may have. We would be happy to help them.

Should you see the tail change in any way go ahead and post an updated pic here. I would be happy to take a look. :)
In the pic he posted I could not see the lighting on the top of the cage... If she does not have the proper UVB she will develop MBD this in turn will cause major issues when it comes time for her to lay eggs. Females lay infertile eggs. She will also need a lay bin as a permanent fixture in her cage. They also should adjust the vines and add proper plants. Succulents are not recommended with chams and veileds will try to eat their plants. I bring it up because chameleons are more of a specialty reptile. Most people unless they are in the hobby and active do not know proper husbandry for them. So people get incorrect info quite often.

You can give your parents this site to read about proper husbandry.

And refer them to the forum for any questions they may have. We would be happy to help them.

Should you see the tail change in any way go ahead and post an updated pic here. I would be happy to take a look. :)
She does have a UVB light, he might have moved it from shot as we take the lid off sometimes to get the locusts that like to hide up there! Our electric bill for this week has definitely reflected that 😂 Okay, thank you! I will pass all this over to them and will direct them to this forum too! You've been so super helpful, thanks a lot!
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