

New Member
Does anyone have any Brookesia? Does anyone know anyone who is selling any or breeding them? They are my favorite chams but they are IMPOSSIBLE to get any more any may be impossible to get imports. Please IM me if you hear of any or see any from our sponsors. I periodically go over their offerings, bur never see any.

I ask this question periodically because sometimes someone has one to sell. They aren't particularly popular or well known, so I hope to get a US hatched. They aren't being imported recently from Madagascar as far as I know.

you see R.brev's the most, and some spectrum occasionally, but pretty much anything else is very rare...

I have 2 female bearded pygmy chameleons. I got them about a month or so ago at an all pet expo. When I got them I think one of them was already pregnant. She just lay eggs this afternoon. Like you I could find different ones but either way, they are fun to take care of. Both of them have different personalities.
There is a shipment of different/rare pygmy species coming in an import in a few weeks. Keep an eye out on the classified section, i know there will be a bunch up for grabs.

Im on a waiting list for some Rampholeon acuminatus! I can not wait to start working with these guys!
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