brown color around the horn.


New Member
I have notice that my jackson chameleon have brown color around his horn, Is that normal? His body color is green after I changed is heating light and diet food.
Do I have to take him to the vet


  • 20140120_214658.jpg
    238.9 KB · Views: 113
First off, you are disturbing your chameleon in it's sleep, which is already a slightly bad thing.

Also, you are handling it very rough! NEVER grab him from the back like that! Always gently scoop him from underneath his chin and belly. If he refuses to let go, gently lift his feet and tail off the branches.

I do not see anything wrong with your chameleon's horns. it looks like normal scale colors to me.

Please put him back and handle him correctly next time.
First of all you need to claim down on the picture it look like I am holding him rough because the way I had the camera posted and my hand. thanks for the advice. Also he was not sleeping, he was bother because of the flash in the camera. Where I live at is still day time.
First of all you need to claim down on the picture it look like I am holding him rough because the way I had the camera posted and my hand. thanks for the advice. Also he was not sleeping, he was bother because of the flash in the camera. Where I live at is still day time.

I am not arguing with you, but you ARE holding him incorrectly. You should never put your hand above his back like that, anyway. They are delicate. I'm sure you know this, but please just consider the way you were holding him

Also yes, I do not think anything is wrong with him :) So you will probably be saving quite a bit of time and money because it does not appear that he needs a vet.

If this color you are seeing gets bigger or looks infected or gets worse, then maybe it is something. But I do not see any bad brown color
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