Brown Marmorated Stink Bug


New Member
Last night I witnessed my 7 month old veiled chameleon hunt and eat one of these creatures. I thought for sure that he would spit it out when he tasted it, but he enjoyed it and looked for more. Can these bugs hurt him in any way? In another week, I will have the ALL over the place up here.
I have seen spiders eat them. I think the chemical they emit is just an oily substance that smells bad, kinda like that brown gunk that grasshoppers spit up if you handle them. xP

It's my guess if something eats it, then it's probably not bad for it. Someone else might know more. I've never owned a chameleon myself.
I regularly feed my Oustalet's wild caught food which sometimes includes stink bugs (various sp.) It's never hurt them. If it made them sick they would just spit it up.
I have a couple chams that love stink bugs. They've never gotten sick from them and sometimes eat 3-4 at a time.
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