Brown Recluse(Off Topics)


New Member
Ok, I know this might be a little "off topic" but I have a bit of a problem. The other day I got bit by something and it's starting to really swell, and where I live there really only the black widow or brown recluse, and im starting to get really scared but haven't decided what to do yet, I've been keeping antibiotic cream on it all day but I think it's just making it worse...

- Please help me, if you have any experiance with spider bites, or any bites! :confused:

Oh Gosh. I hate spider bites. Im just debating whether I want to go to the doctor now or go later... i've never been bit by any spider but for some reason I just got lucky;) but I didnt even realize it happened till like 2 hours later when it started getting really infected and its weird because I got bit over 4 days ago and its not getting any better...
I would reccomend that you go to a doctor. Two months ago I had something very similar. It started out looking like a bug bite. Then it started to grow and swell up big time. Then it started to bubble up and pussing. I finally went to the doctor and they told me it was a staff infection. You can get it from doing anything dirty. (ex. cleaning cricket bins, cleaning cage, playing in dirt) I probably had a small cut on my hand when I was cleaning out a dirty cricket bin. Staff infection is very serious and I am still fighting it. You better see a professional before it spreads throughout your arms and legs like it did to me. I waited til the last minute and now I regret it. If it bubbles, pusses out golden sap, and is really itchy, then it is definetly staff.
Out of all the states, Texas aside, California seems to be luckiest for high numbers of dangerous species.

* Arizona Recluse - Loxosceles arizonica
* Baja Recluse - Loxosceles palma
* Chilean Recluse - Loxosceles laeta
* Desert Recluse - Loxosceles deserta
* Martha's Recluse - Loxosceles martha
* Russell's Recluse - Loxosceles russelli
* Western Black Widow - Latrodectus hesperus

Some of these species have such effective venom that your body will slowly start experiencing necrosis, from the inside out.

As said before, go see a doctor, and search carefully the area in which you were bit for signs and evidence. If there are webs without residents, take photos and make a sketch of it. Send these to a knowledgable source to find what family the spider may be from.
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Oh Gosh. I hate spider bites. Im just debating whether I want to go to the doctor now or go later... i've never been bit by any spider but for some reason I just got lucky;) but I didnt even realize it happened till like 2 hours later when it started getting really infected and its weird because I got bit over 4 days ago and its not getting any better...

any bug bite can turn into a staff infection if it gets a little bit dirty.
Emergency Room

Or urgent care. I don't know exactly where you live in CA, but I am in the Antelope Valley. I was bitten a couple years back by a brown recluse. It started out looking like a blister, and then all heck broke loose. I spent a wonderful day in the ER, and was on several medications for a couple weeks thereafter. I was lucky to not have any permanent problems.

You NEED to see a doctor right away in order to assure that you do not lose skin and tissue.
Google image search brown recluse bites. They are very very noticeable after 4 days. The tissue starts to die and leaves gaping holes. These are very graphic pictures.. just a warning.

Black widow bites more often look like a blister but are characterized by extreme muscle pain in the whole body, chest pains, fever, nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing and severe shakiness.

Either of these would have caught your attention way before now. All spider bites have the likelihood of becoming infected and this is probably what you are experiencing. I would let it dry out for a bit and see the doctor tomorrow for an antibiotic. Also, draw a circle around it with a pen or marker tonight so that the doctor can see if it has gotten any larger overnight. An ice pack will help stop the spread of the irritants from the spider as well.

Good luck.. infection is nothing to mess with.. but I am pretty sure that if it were a black widow or brown recluse bite, you would have been ill enough to have wanted to go to the doctor way before 4 days later :)
Scooter, Im in the AV as well, so you know exactly where I am. Yeah, The bite has doubled in size over the past few days since it happened, and today it started getting bigger and turning a purple color and al day i've been realy nauseous. Yikes. :(
That is definetly a spider bite. Go to youtube and type in black widow bite. There are some really nasty bites on there.
I've been tagged by a copperhead back six years ago, though it was a venomous snake, you should do the same thing I did, GOTO THE HOSPITAL. Reason for it, if you continue to allow it to sit without doctoral care, necrosis can set in, even gangrene, thats the last thing you want.
If you don't have insurance.....

Go to high desert hospital/clinic. In Lancaster on Avenue I and 60th west. Or just go to the ER at AV Hosptial. You NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR.
I was bitten by a brown recluse almost 3 years ago, and it is nothing to mess around with... I was bitten on my ribcage while i was sleeping and my wife on the under side of her thigh, she noticed it right away and was getting antibiotics for it and I on the other hand worked construction at the time and just wrote it off as a cut of scratch along with everyday pains and whatnot, it started to get bigger and bigger until ultimately it opened up got the purple look and eventually started to kill the tissue in my side, you could literally put a golf ball into the hole in my side, it was the sickest thing I have ever seen in my life... YOU MUST GO TO THE E.R. OR URGENT CARE... I have a 2 1/2 inch scar now on my side, I was amazed that it closed up and healed on its own without stitches...
Here is a pic of my brown recluse bite!! This was a result of letting it go for a week without treatment, I had a hole in the side of my stomach that you could literally stick two lighters in!!
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Wow... I would have gone to the doctor that day. I know it's expensive to go to the hospital if you don't have insurance or something...but it's cheaper in the long run to let it worsen and then you are carted there with a bill that would dwarf the regular ER and meds bill. I hope it worked out.
Spider Bite........

I vote for the Emergency Room too. I got bit by a Brown Recluse a couple of years ago. Did not know what it was. I work in the yard a lot. We have thousands of spiders in our rock walls and big expanses of ivy. I now know that hundreds of those spiders are Brown Recluse. After the bite I checked out the site with gross pictures of bites and pictures of the spider. The bite was so painful that I could not sleep for a week. It left a nice little divot in my elbow. I'm now a lot more careful working in my yard. And if I get a bite of some kind I don't mess around if it starts to look unusual. I was lucky the other time. It could have been really bad like Ren's bite.
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