Brown veiled chameleon

It depends on how old your chameleon is, younger ones will shed sometimes every month, older ones will shed in parts and usually every few months.
The pet store said he's a month maybe 2. the vote here is 3-4 months. lol. I'll pay attention to his pre shed behavior and see if the brown color is just his way
I agree, well made, high end misters, like mist king or the other ones made for zoos etc, are worth it in my opinion. Especially if you need to leave suddenly or have an emergency and can't mist. People to mist four times a day aren't easy to find at the drop of a dime. Also with high end misters you set a timer for specific times for individual misting sessions. I have two four minutes and two 2 minutes right now. It makes life amazingly easy. If everything is automated keeping chameleons is extremely easy compared to how everyone makes it sound. Even when they are sick or I take in a new rescue. The only think that I can't automate is food, which is easy because all my long stays become cup trained.
So with all the misting going on and the little dripper watered I have excess water in the bottom of his enclosure which then is leaking onto my desk. how the heck to I stop that mess from continuing? there must be a better way
So with all the misting going on and the little dripper watered I have excess water in the bottom of his enclosure which then is leaking onto my desk. how the heck to I stop that mess from continuing? there must be a better way
Well, theres tons of ways you can make drainage.. you can order a drainage tray from lllreptile or dragonstrand and set your cage ontop of that, and it will look way nicer than the bin method, then drill through the bottom of your cage so water can get through, and use that, or get a plastic storage bin the size of your cage, set your cage on it, and drill through the bottom of your cage and through the top of the bin. Also, hes definitely not a month old, my guess is about 4 months old.
I agree, drainage is easy to do, I personally use the bin method at the moment, but that's because I often take in one to two rescues at a time and like having cheap possibilities on hand.
Have you ever owned a mistking before? They last years, zoos even use them, you can run them dry, and they wont break. You probably used a Zoo med reptirain, lmao.

Haha no. I have only seen the zoo med brand online. Most reptile shows and exotic stores in my town only have Mistkings which are pretty awesome but in my opinion a little too expensive($229 on LLL reptile). But to be honest, I may have to invest in one of these soon. I'm gone to work 7am-6pm Monday thru Fridays and the only reason i've abstained from purchasing one is because the Wife takes care of the animals throughout the day(lucky her!:rolleyes:) and works in the evening.
Haha no. I have only seen the zoo med brand online. Most reptile shows and exotic stores in my town only have Mistkings which are pretty awesome but in my opinion a little too expensive($229 on LLL reptile). But to be honest, I may have to invest in one of these soon. I'm gone to work 7am-6pm Monday thru Fridays and the only reason i've abstained from purchasing one is because the Wife takes care of the animals throughout the day(lucky her!:rolleyes:) and works in the evening.
The official mistking website sells a starter kit for only about $150.
Well, theres tons of ways you can make drainage.. you can order a drainage tray from lllreptile or dragonstrand and set your cage ontop of that, and it will look way nicer than the bin method, then drill through the bottom of your cage so water can get through, and use that, or get a plastic storage bin the size of your cage, set your cage on it, and drill through the bottom of your cage and through the top of the bin. Also, hes definitely not a month old, my guess is about 4 months old.
he'said looking better
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