Bug Farm

UPDATE #1: Green Banana Roach bin is no longer empty. I filled it with coconut fiber and cork flats in preparation for a delivery from @nick barta this coming week. (y)

UPDATE #2: Dubias and Lobsters seem to be doing well in their new homes (in my garage). Both colonies are consuming more food than ever before... And when I sneak up on them in the dark I hear LOTS more activity than before (when they were kept in the house). I think the extra 5-10 degrees of warmth they're getting from the addition of overhead heat lamps (with non-luminous ceramic hear emitters) is working well. Now the temps are 85-95 degrees as opposed to 75-85 degrees.
Thanks for the compliments on the big farm. I'm adding some Green Banana Roaches today.

You really do have a nice setup :) I like how it is all organized and neat. :)
I'd get dubia roaches but my gf says no roaches in the house :confused:

I understand that a wild roach is probably a bit gross due to the nature of how it lives, but I see no harm in a captive raised one. No diseases and nasty stuff that way. But my gf just doesn't see it that way..... To her, a roach is a roach.

But BANANA roaches..... I'm not sure she even knows there is such a thing. I could get them, and tell her they are yellow beetles :p:LOL::p:LOL:

That decision shall be made another day perhaps....
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Your set up looks great, much more organized than mine :LOL:! For my roaches I keep the egg crates stacked vertically so the waste falls to the bottom of the container and keeps the egg crate cleaner longer and makes cleaning the container nice and easy. I really do like the idea of the food trays though; I'm using those plastic covers for resealing open containers of food but I might borrow your food tray idea ;)
Your set up looks great, much more organized than mine :LOL:! For my roaches I keep the egg crates stacked vertically so the waste falls to the bottom of the container and keeps the egg crate cleaner longer and makes cleaning the container nice and easy. I really do like the idea of the food trays though; I'm using those plastic covers for resealing open containers of food but I might borrow your food tray idea ;)

@caietaro - Yep... I keep my egg crates vertical too, but there's a single layer of horizontal egg crates (on top of the vertical ones) to provide a stable place for the food trays. So far the food trays have been great in terms ease of maintenance. (y)
The "fruits" of your labor, @NERVOUS. Lobster roach down the hatch!


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