BUG Prices?


Avid Member
i would like to know how much you spend on your bugs (price, quantity and frequency).

Please only post (the type of feeder, price, quantity and the frequency you buy).

Fruit flies
Silk worms
Horn worms
i just got 500 1/2 sized crix for $9 at the all cleveland reptile expo. first time buying that many but by the looks of it i got about 800 which should last me at least a month.
Crickets- 200 for 8$ twice a month.
Mealworms- 100 for 12$ once every two/three months.
Super worms- 100 for 6$ once every one/two months
Hornworms- 15 for 10$ once/twice a month
Silkworms- Free
Reptiworms - 100 for 6$ they last until they turn. ( depends on weather )
250 3/4 in crix = 5 bucks
250 1/2 in crix = 5 bucks
25 superworms = 8 bucks
1 cup hornworms = 10 bucks

total = 28 bucks one a month
crickets 2000 every 2 weeks any size I need $30 shipped
Dubias Free I breed them:D
Silkworm eggs 50,000 1 time a year $60.00 shipped
Hornworm I trade dubias for them 1 time a month
Katydids Trying to breed them :confused:
reptiworms $4 a 1000 and I get 5000 every few months plues shipping
superworms $18 for 1000 shipped every other month
Most of these prices I get are local or on sale.
i just got 500 1/2 sized crix for $9 at the all cleveland reptile expo. first time buying that many but by the looks of it i got about 800 which should last me at least a month.

Yes his boxes always have a huge over count. I buy the 1000 boxes for $15 and usually has to be at least 1500 in them.
Crickets - 15k every 10ish days. Around $100
Mealworms - N/A
Superworms - 5 K every 10ish days. $40
Roaches - FREE
Fruit flies - FREE
Silk worms - N/A
Horn worms - 100 every other week, around $50

Bugs come here to die!
Crickets - 10,000 - 140.00 shipped every two weeks
Mealworms - 2,000 - 26.00 shipped every two weeks
Superworms -
Roaches - FREE
Fruit flies - FREE
Silk worms - 100 - 30.00 once a month
Horn worms
YO ACE! where do you get your crickets from?

haha i go to the SBCK"South Bay Chameleon Keepers" meetings that usually are in the LA area:D

ask Steve "SsimsSwisS" about needing crix and find a place to meet or pick up the crix and he'll let you know the price
I have always had a good overcount and healthy crickets with Ghanns.
I have a friend who orders the breeder boxes and will sometimes get boxes that are all dead. He tried to get another box sent but basically was told "tough luck" because of the heat....
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