building a better cage

Well I didnt get the new outside/temp cage finished like I had wanted. my brothers truck broke down. Between being on the phone with him, and then dad taking me to pull it home (he dont trust my brother, lol) my day was pretty much shot. On the bright side I did have a ride to the pet store for more crix and some questionable superworms :confused: which leads me to a quick question..

My brother bought mealworms before from another store b/c they had no crix in stock and "Booger D. Snot" needed something till he could get crix the next morning. The "supers" I got today look exactly the same as the meals, I didnt really think anything of it at the time (we were in a rush) and I was geting 3 dozen crix also, so I didnt bother asking. Do Meals & Supers look identical?

Anyway, I thought posting some pic's of the temp/outside cage would get me motivated, so here it is..


I managed to get one peice of mesh on it (used the heavy stuff since it will be outside with him in it, keep him safe). The smallest peice, lol.. Its 2' x 2' x 3' and so far cost $0!! Got to love scrap lumber. I need to finish the mesh, install the carry handles and make a door latch. Then I can fill it with plants and viney stuffs :D

When we move back into our house I plan to build a monster cage for him outside on the rear porch. Will the southern side of the house, in Florida be ok, or would that be too much sun? He would have crazy amounts of plants, I want it to be a walk in cage, sorta like the cham rooms I see people are doing.
Use a clean stick! That's what I do! My fella wants nothing to do with me unless I have food in my hand. :) carefull slide the stick under him and lift gently until he has all four limbs on the stick, then make sure his tail isn't atached to anything and lift him out of his cage.

Hello I'm here instead of working on the cage b/c I have been in the middle of a standoff between me and Booger (need to cool off for a min). I tried your stick idea and umm hes not having it, lol. I reached into the cage with the stick, started to slide it under him and then all hell broke lose :p

I had the stick maybe an inch under his belly and he decided that he was going to fly away, lol. Dove head first into his ficus then hung there for a min or two, then he climbed back to his basking vine (this time in a place that I don't want him jumping from) and now I know what pissed off chameleon looks like. he is sitting on a vine 3' above formica floor, I walked back over to the cage 2 min later and he either yawned or hissed (silently) at me and hes about 2 times his normal size. He didnt turn brown/grey, still green but still looks angry.. And I answered him with "you snot, I'm trying to fix your crib" then walked away and started typing this :p

I have decided his name fits perfectly :D
Were you really slow? Try lifting the stick up slightly before he can jump. Or use a cricket/superworm to get him to crawl on the stick.
I tried turning the cages to one another and put a branch across with supers at the other end.. he started across but got half way and turned around..

Were you really slow? Try lifting the stick up slightly before he can jump. Or use a cricket/superworm to get him to crawl on the stick.

yeah, I was so slow it felt like 10mins, lol.. i just tried again and it was a no go.. he ran like hell to the top of his cage. I even tried screwing a butter tub lid to a stick and then set supers on it thnking he would crawl right over like he does when i offer then with my hand, but he just stink-eyed me and climbed to the top. this might be an all night thing, lol.. when hes sleeping he will be more lethargic right? maybe then I can just grab him?
Don't grab, stick your hand under him. I find my chameleon is less inclined to bite when my eye level is above his. When I get on a really tall chair sometimes he let's me take him with my hand.
well I got him out and into the new cage. what a PITA, i cant wait to see how much fun it will be to move him back :rolleyes: the stick idea worked after I got him into a place where he had no choice but to get on it.

I'm going to post into the health section also, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a rept-vet in Lee County Florida. I figure if I'm going to have him out the cage again after I finish the upgrades maybe I'll take him in for a checkup.
Check the vet resources sticky and go to the herpvet connection website. There's a list of self recommended and publicly recommended reptile vets.
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