bulging eyes while sleeping?


Avid Member
Hi all,

We are getting into dry NH weather but Cy is doing pretty well. Not much need for humidifier so far and drops only occasionally but every now and again he will sleep with eyes eyes completely bulged out. It looks like he was in the middle of cleaning and nodded off! lol!

His regular habit is always to drink (Sits under dripper and soaks his face and cleans eyes) before lights out. In fact, he will wander around if he doesn't. Two nights ago I was sitting here working and I hear all this rustling in his cage! I check on him and he was hitting his nose on the screen - lights had been out for about 20 minutes. Driving me nuts and I could NOT figure out what the heck was wrong! I finally put his dripper on when I realized he had not gotten his evening "bath", he drank/soaked for 5 minutes then settled down and went to sleep - does he have me trained or what??? He's like a little kid "Maaaaaaaaaaaa, can I have a glass of waaaaaaaaater?" :p

Tonight, we got the drinking out of the way earlier and he was ready to doze and his eyes were WAY out. :eek: Since his UVB wasn't out yet and he wasn't asleep I gently began the drops and let him rub on my finger. Then put the light out so he'd get full benefit. The drops are just OTC dry eye drops the vet recommended, then I go to the more expensive ones when the air gets really dry. This is mainly for the eye he had the surgery on last year.

So, now that no one has heard from me for ages and you got this long story about Cyrus' nighttime watering escapades.......does anyone else's cham sleep with its eyes bulged out instead of flat?? Any docs want to comment on this? :confused:

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Hey k - I think he will always have an issue with dry eye. Like some people, he just seems to be a bit more sensitive, but after last year at least I feel on top of it. I had not read that article before, thanks. That site has SO much info it is hard to read everything. Everyone has ZooMed 5.0 (not compact) and Darwin has the 10.0 b/c his tank is deep. I used the PowerSun with Luna and I think it added to her trouble. I think they are just too strong unless kept far enough away (plus they keep blowing their ballast!). I'm sticking with what we know is safe. Cyrus has none of the other symptoms mentioned in the article (whew!) and I think it is his sensitivity and our dry air that is the cause. Last year I kept thinking it was something else due to the excessive rubbing and then he damaged his eye :( I bought a warm mist humidifier that I think I will use sometimes besides the cool mist, though the latter gives off better mist.

He is so good about his eye drops, I think he realizes they bring relief. He will actually let me hold his head to the side and drop them in, if I do it with his head straight they dribble into his mouth and I don't imagine they taste good, probably just salty, but once I tried the head tilt and found him OK with it I continued. He has to be in a mellow mood (usually is) to allow. I just redid his cage with fresh plants for winter and he has not once "begged" to come out! :D

Other than his dry eye he is doing just grand! Occasional food fast, but not enough too worry me (only Darwin does that!). He has such a great personality and we interact quite well.

Hope things are well with you and yours! :D

Holy crap I just noticed the same thing with Leon today for the first time. Leon has eye bulging while sleeping too. This is the very first time I have noticed it. He usually sleeps with his eye sunk close to flat. Look at these pics. Is this too much bulge for a sleeping cham? Or is this normal and they were too sunk before?



Here is a pic of him 2 years ago sleeping. See how sunk the eyes are. This is what his eyes have looked like while sleeping in the past up to today.

His eyes are normal and buggy during the day and he just got done with a shed a few days ago. This is he third full day in his new setup (see this thread https://www.chameleonforums.com/leons-new-crib-6439/

Let me know your thoughts on this bulging while sleeping stuff. Lele is this still an issue for your crew?

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Since day one Victoria sleeps with here eyes rounded with full color matching her body color, no darkness in eyes and such and rarely do I see her pull her eyes into her socket. This topic leads to the question: Are they suppost to be pulled into your sockets or something?

The other question would be I hear that some turn their drippers on based on taime frames. I leave mine on at all times to allow her to drink whenever needed or required. So what is best?
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