New Member
i have a 3 or 4 year old chameleon and he has been having a problem with his eye, has been displaying dark colors and has been shutting his eyes during the day time. I’m not sure what is wrong with him and really need help.
He has 2 water droppers, a fogger and an automatic sprayer that sprays at 7am when he wakes up and at 7pm when he goes to sleep. He also has a T5 10.0 uvb long bulb light and a ceramic heat bulb. He gets repashy superfood supercal NoD and repashy superfood supercal LoD. He gets LoD 2 times a month and NoD every feeding.
His eye started off just looking a little off so I did research like crazy but then his eye started closing and getting a little dry and puffy now it looks better but I don’t think he can see out of it. Other then him not being to see to good out of that eye he is still eating and very food motivated. I also realized that he is very active in the morning with very bright colors but later in the day at around 12 he just gets dark and doesn’t move.
This is his eye about 2 months ago
And this is it now
Please help me thank you.
He has 2 water droppers, a fogger and an automatic sprayer that sprays at 7am when he wakes up and at 7pm when he goes to sleep. He also has a T5 10.0 uvb long bulb light and a ceramic heat bulb. He gets repashy superfood supercal NoD and repashy superfood supercal LoD. He gets LoD 2 times a month and NoD every feeding.
His eye started off just looking a little off so I did research like crazy but then his eye started closing and getting a little dry and puffy now it looks better but I don’t think he can see out of it. Other then him not being to see to good out of that eye he is still eating and very food motivated. I also realized that he is very active in the morning with very bright colors but later in the day at around 12 he just gets dark and doesn’t move.
This is his eye about 2 months ago

And this is it now

Please help me thank you.