bumps on her side?


New Member
I just got my first veiled chameleon about 3 weeks ago. Well about 1and 1/2 weeks ago she started to develop little bumps on her rib cage. There's 5 of them right now. There small and under the skin. They don't seem to be bothering her but there bothering me. Does any one have any Idea as to what these are and how to get rid of them? Any help would be great. Thanks.
Sound like a fungal infection....does the bump looks like barnicles? As Christine said...you need to post a picture and then we can help you out... anyway, you will need to go to a vet
Post pictures please..........What is her supplementation schedule? What are you using and how often? What are your feeder insects feed? There are some things that can cause crystalized deposits to form on the ribs and joints when over supplementation occurs. If this is the case, it needs to be corrected ASAP as renal failure is also part of the scenario. I'm not trying to alarm you......just want to rule this out with pictures and information :)
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