Bumps on new Chameleon


New Member
I just bought a Jackson Chameleon one week ago

Looked good when we bought him but now he has these bumps on his sides, should I be worried, is it stress or is it something bad?

Thank you, this is my first one and want everything to go well and make sure I am doing everything right for him!

They are not red that is just the light!!


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Omg that looks terrible. Take him to a vet NOW. It looks like maybe a fungal infection.
You were definitely sold a seriously sick chameleon. Take him back. If you want to know what it is he needs a biopsy. Its the only way to know what they are. It could be fungal, bacterial, parasitic or however unlikely, neoplastic. Reptiles take a while to show signs of illness and owning this for a week did not cause this so don't blame yourself. It is unlikely fixable but only a vet would be able to try.
Unfortunately, JoeVet's advice here is solid. Send him back and demand a refund. Poor little guy is not likely to make it :(

This is absolutely not your fault.
I just bought a Jackson Chameleon one week ago

Looked good when we bought him but now he has these bumps on his sides, should I be worried, is it stress or is it something bad?

Thank you, this is my first one and want everything to go well and make sure I am doing everything right for him!

They are not red that is just the light!!

That's so sad! :( Poor lil' guy!!
Thank you all for getting back to me, I am just devastated about them selling such a sick little guy, I have wanted one for a very long time, I did take him back and they agree he was sick and I was able to get a refund

Thank you so much for your help
I'm glad you got a refund. I do feel badly for the chameleon :(

Don't buy from that same place again - it could be contagious and I doubt they have had quarantine procedures in place for their other animals.
I do too!! They put him in the back and will be seeing the vet tomorrow, they tried to get us another but I am crush and knew that they are mostly infected!!

So going to do some readers I of good places locally to buy one!!
I do too!! They put him in the back and will be seeing the vet tomorrow, they tried to get us another but I am crush and knew that they are mostly infected!!

So going to do some readers I of good places locally to buy one!!

Well, its good that the seller let you return this poor little thing and agreed something is very wrong. Not all sellers would unfortunately. I hope they weren't housing him with other chams in case this is infectious. It could be that all the stress of buying, selling, shipping, new home all brought out a latent problem he arrived with. We can't tell if the seller will actually follow up with a vet or not, but hopefully so. I would really scrub and disinfect everything this cham came in contact with while you had him just to be safe!
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