Burn or dark red coloration?


Avid Member
Hey guys!

Bernard just had the shed of his lifetime and some very vibrant new colors have emerged. I’m honestly surprised too because he’s 2, I didn’t think he would change much more. Anyway, I’m slightly concerned with his spine, in some lights it looks like it’s just dark red but in other lights it looks like it may be burnt? Also his left knee looks a little funny, but that’s less concerning to me. Is freshly shed skin more prone to burning? I have all of his lighting set up right, so I’m not really sure here. My temp gun reads between 83-88 depending on where the laser hits. Sometimes I get a crazy reading of like 97, but I think that’s when I have the laser not pointing at the vine, but closer to the light.

Check out the pics and let me know what you think.


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Chameleon Info:

  • Your Chameleon – Panther- Male- 20 months. Handling – Regularly

  • Feeding – Silkworms and super worms.

  • Supplements – RepCal Calcium (no d3) regularly, D3/multivite biweekly, vitamin A monthly

  • Watering – Mistking along with dripper. He prefers dripper. Always has had a problem with mist.

  • Fecal Description – Brown/white

  • History - Had pinworms and an eye issue but just got cleared last month no pinworms anymore. Eye issues have subsided as well.

Cage Info:

  • Cage Type – Screen- 24/24/48

  • Lighting – reptisun 5.0 linear bulb, heat flood lamp 70watt (upgraded recently due to not being able to reach 80 degrees with new setup) 6500 bulb for plants

  • Temperature - low 70s at the bottom, 86-88 degrees in heat.

  • Humidity – 60-75% normally between mist sessions.

  • Plants- large pothos, small pothos, small schefflera, fake leaves and vines
  • Placement – Extra bedroom, ceiling fan is in the middle of the room, he’s off to the side along a wall.
My girl came to me with a similar patch on her knee. In her case, I think she scuffed it up in something. I put some silver sulphadiazine cream on it and watched it like a hawk, and it has mostly faded now.

Keep an eye on it. If it gets worse, i'd consider a vet visit.
My girl came to me with a similar patch on her knee. In her case, I think she scuffed it up in something. I put some silver sulphadiazine cream on it and watched it like a hawk, and it has mostly faded now.

Keep an eye on it. If it gets worse, i'd consider a vet visit.
I’ve read about the silver sulphadiazine—is that something you can get online or is a prescription needed?

I will definitely keep an eye on it and bring him to the vet if it declines. Thanks for your input!!!
I’ve read about the silver sulphadiazine—is that something you can get online or is a prescription needed?

I will definitely keep an eye on it and bring him to the vet if it declines. Thanks for your input!!!

The availability of silver sulphadiazine seems to vary by location - in the UK and some places in Canada, for example, you need a prescription for it. No harm in checking your local pharmacy/online, though!

I like to have iodine (povidone-iodine), silver sulphadiazine cream, an eye irrigation solution, and chlorhexidine ("dental solution"; I'd have to check the stuff at work for a concentration!) on hand, as well as neosporin and some lube. Covers just about all your bases in a pinch. I'm always overly prepared, though - it comes with working at a veterinary clinic! :p
The availability of silver sulphadiazine seems to vary by location - in the UK and some places in Canada, for example, you need a prescription for it. No harm in checking your local pharmacy/online, though!

I like to have iodine (povidone-iodine), silver sulphadiazine cream, an eye irrigation solution, and chlorhexidine ("dental solution"; I'd have to check the stuff at work for a concentration!) on hand, as well as neosporin and some lube. Covers just about all your bases in a pinch. I'm always overly prepared, though - it comes with working at a veterinary clinic! :p

I'm glad I asked you! Is this silver sulphadiazine cream? Whenever I google it, I can't tell if this is what I could use on a cham. It does say it's used for burns, but I don't see the word "sulphadiazine". I'm in the US!
I'm glad I asked you! Is this silver sulphadiazine cream? Whenever I google it, I can't tell if this is what I could use on a cham. It does say it's used for burns, but I don't see the word "sulphadiazine". I'm in the US!

Humm, I'm not familiar with that cream, and a cursory look at Amazon isn't promising... you want Silvadene (brand name) or Flamazine (brand), or the generic form. I'd check a pharmacy, ask if they have 1% silver sulphadiazine cream and if it's over the counter (and let us know if they do!). I'm afraid I'm very spoiled, and just get mine at home.
Humm, I'm not familiar with that cream, and a cursory look at Amazon isn't promising... you want Silvadene (brand name) or Flamazine (brand), or the generic form. I'd check a pharmacy, ask if they have 1% silver sulphadiazine cream and if it's over the counter (and let us know if they do!). I'm afraid I'm very spoiled, and just get mine at home.
Thanks for the advice. I'll do that. Thanks a lot
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