Burned spikes??


My veiled has had a few discolored looking spikes on his back for about a month or so.. Does it look like they could be burned? He just got done shedding so I'm hoping it has to do with that and not a burn :( Any advice would be appreciated..


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    242.7 KB · Views: 325
I agree, the top of his head will be the first thing to burn if it was indeed a burn, not generalizing at all but jmo!
From here it looks like there is a very slight discolouration of a couple of spines...maybe just shed that hasn't come off yet. It will do soon....I see nothing really worrying :)
It looks normal to me but your cham looks awesome!

Good point detective.

If anyone can tell me what film the above line is from you get rep points......just sayin'........:D
Looks awesome. Duly noted :D
They look worse now

His spikes look even worse now and one even looks like it might be bleeding just a little. Is there an ointment I can put on that area?? Is this something I should be worried about?? Please help :(


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    175 KB · Views: 148
Definitely a burn. A minor one compared to some, but even in the first pic they look burned. And with the worsening over time that matches with a burn.
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