butter and wax worms heavy food?


New Member
i got a 2 month old veiled and yesterday was the first time i give him wax and butter worms. yesterday he ate 3 crickets which 2 of them were half inch, a wax worm and a butter worm.

today he doesn't wanna eat anything so i was wondering maybe he ate too much or that stuff was heavy in fat which resulted in him refusing to eat anything today...i don't know....

any help guys??????
A few crickets and a couple larva is not too much for a two month old, assuming each was of the approrpiate size. Perhaps its about to shed and thus not hungry today. Or perhaps it is thirsty (thirsty chameleons sometimes dont eat)
I recommend not offering waxworms. They are fatty and provide little to no nutrition. Unlike butterworms, which are not all that fatty and have a good calcium content
i highly doubt hes thirsty just because there is a misting system installed.. sprays every 2 hours.... i think he might be shedding idk....thanks for the tip....

p.s. congrats on game 1 vs sharks. :)
he didn't eat anything today unfortunately...didn't know even the slightest bit of interest.. i don't think he's shedding because his skin looks extremely new.

where can i find the questionnaire???
under the Health Clinic in the Forums section you find the 'How to ask for Help'. and Sometimes after being introduced to a new food they will stop eating for a couple days. I am not sure why, but it seems pretty routine if you ask me.
under the Health Clinic in the Forums section you find the 'How to ask for Help'. and Sometimes after being introduced to a new food they will stop eating for a couple days. I am not sure why, but it seems pretty routine if you ask me.

Interesting. I've not heard or experienced that before.
I forgot to mention that the 2 inch cham fell the entire hight of the cage straight from top to bottom. The cage is 4foot high.... Could that be the reason why it doesn't want to eat??
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