Butterfly Feeding


the man comes and spreads fertalizer in your yard...then a larva comes out of the ground and munches on the tender leaves/grass....he turns into a fertalized infested butterfly and whola....by by cammy.....my dad is always saying heyy why dont you feed your beadred dragon some wild black crickets...or some earthworms...im like are you crazy.....you can pay for that vet bill, bud...lol but serously make 100% sure...cause if you were hungry and walking in the woods...i bet you wouldnt eat the colorful bug on the leaf...i know i wouldnt...unfortunatly captive breed cams dont know better.

try silk worm moth if you breed those suckers!!!
id assume that most butterflys are toxic, the brighter the more likely.

but monarch,tiger swallow tail, right off the bat.
I think they all are to some extent. That being said, you can bet that chameleons eat butterflies somewhat frequently in the wild. So I wouldn't lose sleep over it, but I wouldn't make it a common occurrence either.
desult, keep in mind geographical location, any locale butterfly that is ingested in madigascar is probably meant to be ingested by native species.

local butterflys here in the US could be VERY different and could create far more dangerous results to your animals.
Any idea which ones are safe?

Is there a list somewhere of poisonous and safe insects?

These are Painted lady butterfies, and good to feed. Get them while you can. There moving up from Mexico, and they should be plentiful for the next few days. I caught some today after work, and the parsons love them. Three years ago there were so many, that I only had to hold my net out to catch three or four at a time. If we get a Santa Ana wind event you should see alot more flying around. Hope they last till this weekend, when I can do some real damage with my butterfly net. :)
These are Painted lady butterfies, and good to feed. Get them while you can. There moving up from Mexico, and they should be plentiful for the next few days. I caught some today after work, and the parsons love them. Three years ago there were so many, that I only had to hold my net out to catch three or four at a time. If we get a Santa Ana wind event you should see alot more flying around. Hope they last till this weekend, when I can do some real damage with my butterfly net. :)

Yeah, that's what I was catching today! We both live in Southern Cal so that's we both saw tons in the wind. Thanks for the support Steve, I was beginning to feel worried.

So it looks like this? I googled it so you could be 100% sure. :p
These are Painted lady butterfies, and good to feed. Get them while you can. There moving up from Mexico, and they should be plentiful for the next few days. I caught some today after work, and the parsons love them. Three years ago there were so many, that I only had to hold my net out to catch three or four at a time. If we get a Santa Ana wind event you should see alot more flying around. Hope they last till this weekend, when I can do some real damage with my butterfly net. :)

Steve, i wonder... isn't there actually a breeder of painted lady butterfly?
I remember googling one and find some butterfly sellers..
I thought they eat milkweed (poisonous) just like monarch?

So it looks like this? I googled it so you could be 100% sure. :p

That's them. I had some wild caught pink panther come in about this time last year, and I've never seen a chameleon move faster to get a meal. You can see their eyes :eek: get bigger, once they catch sight of the butters. No doubt about them, as they flick out their tongue.
Alright Steve, just making sure Norton didn't catch something similar but toxic. Let's hope this butterfly doesn't eat milkweed! Is it toxic in small amounts?
Alright Steve, just making sure Norton didn't catch something similar but toxic. Let's hope this butterfly doesn't eat milkweed! Is it toxic in small amounts?
Paint Lady worms feed on non toxic plants like Hollyhocks, and similar leave shaped plants from this family. There's a weed that grows everywhere after the rains, and that along with the hollyhocks is where they lay their eggs for the next wave/cycle as they move north following the wildflowers bloom.
Where can I get some of these? Sheesh! I'd feed bad though, they look cute.

just google "buy painted lady butterfly"
here's one I find..

They sell rearing kit with the chow.
i am not sure, however, if the chow is a "safe" gutload material for our chams.
Kinda expensive though.
I am guessing they probably get mad if you tell them your intention of feeding the butterflies to your chameleon :)
Dodolah - I had one of those when I was little! Back in kindergarten, hah.

They are pretty expensive, though. Maybe I'll just have someone from California ship me some caterpillars... yeah right, I wish haha.
Was able to catch another 15 to 20 today. Think my little pink panther girl loved the butterfly treat way more, then the others who got one.
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