Butterworms and curly flies?UK


New Member
Hi all...........i was wondering if anyone can tell me how long Butterworms will keep for? i've had them about 2 months now and keep them in the fridge with some sawdust.Also for all the UK keeepers can anyone tell me where i can buy curly/other flies for feeders from?the place i get my live food from never has them in stock!Thanks for any tips:)
Hi Ronnie,

LivefoodUK usually has flies in stock. Here is a link to their feeders page. I'm still waiting for collection of my first ever Cham (will the time never come?) so I don't know how they're shipped or the quality of them.

However, my flatmate uses the store for crickets for his bearded dragon and there is always loads of active healthy looking little rascals in the tubs. The webby also has a lot of positive user feedback.

It would be nice if you could let me know how it goes if you order the fruit flies as I'll be getting some for my pending panther when the time comes.

Cheers =)
Hi Ronnie,

LivefoodUK usually has flies in stock. Here is a link to their feeders page. I'm still waiting for collection of my first ever Cham (will the time never come?) so I don't know how they're shipped or the quality of them.

However, my flatmate uses the store for crickets for his bearded dragon and there is always loads of active healthy looking little rascals in the tubs. The webby also has a lot of positive user feedback.

It would be nice if you could let me know how it goes if you order the fruit flies as I'll be getting some for my pending panther when the time comes.

Cheers =)

Hi....Thanks for the reply,i will look up that link and let you know how i go,have been trying out different feeders with my girl as she seems to be gone off crickets (i hate the little bleeders!) Good luck with your panther when he/she comes!
butterworms can last a really long time if you throw them in the fridge. ive heard of them lasting like 8 months from customers at my store who leave them in the fridge. i would prob let them warm up before feeding, unless ur cham likes wormsicles. as for the flies, no idea. us americans are USELESS.:D
Hi....Thanks for the reply,i will look up that link and let you know how i go,have been trying out different feeders with my girl as she seems to be gone off crickets (i hate the little bleeders!) Good luck with your panther when he/she comes!

Hi....I looked up that website and they only have tiny little fruit flies (much to small for my girl!) thanks for the tip anyway:).....anyone else got any ideas?
Dont bother with them Ronnie,
Feed them leprechauns, Much juicier!
Chams love Green things! :D

TER Flies

We have gotten them in before. They are a highly coveted curly winged mutation of the house fly. A mutant strain developed in Basal. They are nearly blind and not as fertile as regular house flies (Mus domestica) meaning they lay about 500 or so eggs instead of 1,500. Also they cant fly but they hop and act like they can. Since they are a mutation you want to check your stock regularly in case they throw off a non curly variation and you want to take those out so they dont breed with the TER flies.

Digby Rigby [email protected]
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