buying a cham at a reptile super show

Shaolin Chameleon

New Member
hello i want to buy a panther chameleon at the pomona reptile super show and i

was wondering if i need to bring anything to carry the cham home in or will they

provide something for me
They have something, but usually pretty small. How long is your drive home? I'd maybe get a Kritter Keeper and wedge a wooden dowel in there.
They usually put the baby chameleon into a small cup with a paper towel in it, then put it in a paper bag :)

You may want to bring a ventilated but sturdy case to carry it out of the show, because they are delicate babies!

Be very careful when carrying him/her outside and make sure the bag doesn't get too hot!

I am also attending the show. I hope you can follow proper guidelines to buying a healthy baby or adult chameleon, and I wish you the best in your search!
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