Buying Crickets in Winter - Will They Survive?


New Member
Hi Everyone:

So it just struck me that the closest pet store to buy crix at is about a 45 minute bus ride. Here in Halifax, it is not uncommon for the temps to get to around -10C or even colder. Can the crix survive for 45 minute bus ride home in that weather (lets say a 15 minute wait in the cold)?


you could always use a warm pack that is covered with a towel. I'm sure the crickets would all cling on to that
Or you could pack a cooler with the pad inside to trap more heat and just keep the crickets in a there. Any chance of getting some shipped to your house? I just got a really good deal online
Thanks for the ideas - I could get them shipped, but I only need probably 100 a week max, so buying that many would probably turn wasteful/take up too much space in my tiny apartment
i must say i am no expert on keeping crickets in the cold, however i couldnt help but comment on your dedication. i dont think i would ever own cricket eating critters if they were a 45 minute bus ride away. Good luck with your journey.
Haha the 45 minutes is only on a good day - it is actually quite a funny story as to how this chameleon came about. I had previously owned 5 chameleons (2 Comoros Island dwarfs, 2 panthers, and a veiled) about 6 years ago. I moved away for university and got rid of them all because I did not think I could devote enough time to taking care of them. Recently I was considering purchasing a panther, and my landlord would not allow it, however things did not work out with my roommates so I moved in with my girlfriend who lives in a building where pets are allowed. I basically ordered him the night I moved in but never realized the pet stores were so far away - on well ... it wouldnt have changed anything but it would be nice if there were some closer lol
well it sounds like you have one very lucky cham! have you looked at maybe ordering them online you might have to buy bulk sizes but if you have a place to keep them i would give it a shot. LLL Reptile is probably where i would start but be sure to compare prices with some of the forum sponsors if you decide to go the online route.
I've left mine out in 35 degree weather all night. Most survived, but any colder than that and the deaths increase considerably. They need a few hours to warm up after though.
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