Buying Crickets Online

I am looking online to buy my crickets and silkworms in bulk, and I wanted to see if anybody had any suggestions for a good site to buy from that isn't too expensive. I was also wondering how many crickets I should buy at a time to avoid them dying before I can give them to my chameleon. My cham is eating about 20-25 a day now. I have a large, 4 tubed cricket keeper.
Thanks for any advice!
Depends on where you are located.
In terms of how much to buy, crickets only live 8 weeks. So if you buy mediums, they are already 3-4 weeks old. Silkies are the same way if you start to feed them every 2-3 days once they are at a feeding size.

Your next problem is do you want house crickets or banded crickets. Bandeds are much smaller and will hang out at the top of the tank.

A lot of us just gave up and went with various roaches. They live 3-4 longer, dont smell, and dont bite. You can pick your style, from slow and cant climb, to glass climbers that can fly a little.
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