Buying feeders online

I just spoke to the seller (Joe) About my shipment, he said apples and crunched up Cheerios works for him good... but as for the cricket diet it’s some jar of flukes cricket diet I got a while ago that I don’t use anymore
But thank you for this info! I’m going to use some of those greens we have a garden outside and I can use some of those too :D
Make sure there is no sugar in those Cheerio...i would rather use fresh vegetables than the food made for mankind in the cereal category.
I use Josh's frogs because it gets here the next day. But before I found them I used Rainbow Mealworms. Both are awesome.
Your welcome! Yeah they grow very quickly. You can keep them in a cooler area like your garage and this will help slow it down as opposed to keeping them in your house where it is much warmer. They are great for hydration. I feed 1 at each of my feedings which is fine to do as long as your feeding other items. Rainbows smallest batch is 12 which may work out for you if you are on every day feedings. My guy has transitioned to every other day so I always end up with monster sized leftovers lol. They come with their food so you don't feed anything extra. You do need to empty the poop each day. I keep food up and the lid down so the poop does not sit on their food. You don't want to try to feed them off all at once or your cham is going to have extreme diarrhea lol. I put in a pic so you know what to expect this guy actually doubled in size from this pic.
Another thing that is important and you may already know this is the size of feeders. The rule of thumb is to feed insects no wider than the width of your chameleon's head in order to prevent choking. length is fine. It is the width you are looking at. :)
So I actually just answered this same question about gutloading separately in another thread so take a look at this thread

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Wow those get huge! And it’s double when you wrote this haha what do you do with them? Is your guy big enough to eat one’s double that size?
Does your Cham eat the huge ones like you said that pic it grew to double size?
I only feed small ones no longer than an inch and a half. They can gag on them, throw them up, or be bitten easier by large hornworms. I have seen too many cases of mouth injury here due to feeding a feeder that is much too large. Smaller is always better for them in all feeders.
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I only feed small ones no longer than an inch and a half. They can gag on them, throw them up, or be bitten easier by large hornworms. I have seen too many cases of mouth injury here due to feeding a feeder that is much too large. Smaller is always better for them in all feeders.
Oh did not know they will bite the Cham. Good to know!
Another question about the horned worms.
No and if they did, they can’t really hurt us. I once had a hornworm try chewing on my hand. Felt really bizarre but that was it.
Lmao I’m sure it did. One more question about them. I’ve yet to give him any since I got him like a week ago, and I know they’re more of a treat like 3x a week but during those times am I only giving him one decent sized one or a couple along with other options?
Another question about the horned worms.

Lmao I’m sure it did. One more question about them. I’ve yet to give him any since I got him like a week ago, and I know they’re more of a treat like 3x a week but during those times am I only giving him one decent sized one or a couple along with other options?
Same with silkworms? Give him a couple few times a week? He’s about 4 months old. Hard to tell in pic of his size but he’s not tiny by any means.


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Hornworms are basically just water balloons and too many can cause loose poos. I wouldn’t give more than 1-2 smaller ones at a time.
Silkworms are a little bit different as they can be a staple feeder. However, they are juicy and too many can, again cause loose poos. I’ll usually give like 2 silkies and 2 other feeders at a time.
Since both can grow quickly beyond feeding size (especially hornworms), and if you only have one reptile who’ll eat them, maybe try the variety packs from various on line vendors like Rainbow Mealworms or buddy up with a friend - you buy the worms one time and share and they buy the next time and share.
I’m in process of buying feeders now, I see everyone loves to feed their chams BSFL.
Hornworms are basically just water balloons and too many can cause loose poos. I wouldn’t give more than 1-2 smaller ones at a time.
Silkworms are a little bit different as they can be a staple feeder. However, they are juicy and too many can, again cause loose poos. I’ll usually give like 2 silkies and 2 other feeders at a time.
Since both can grow quickly beyond feeding size (especially hornworms), and if you only have one reptile who’ll eat them, maybe try the variety packs from various on line vendors like Rainbow Mealworms or buddy up with a friend - you buy the worms one time and share and they buy the next time and share.
and do you gut load and of the worms you feed your Cham? Like bsfl, wax worms, silk, super worms etc
I don’t gutload in the true sense of it. I do keep all of my bugs well fed. Silkies and hornworms have their special chows. Wax worms usually aren’t fed anything and are kept in wood shavings. The others I give drier veggies to like squash or carrot. Sometimes I’ll give them some bug burger too.
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