Cage , and other questions regarding panther hachlings.



Hello everyone, I have baby panthers that are getting close to hatching. I would like to know what people have had success with in terms of enclosures. Any helpful hints would be much appreciated. I researched for a few weeks before I decided to go through with breeding and 8-10 months later forgot most of that information.

Also what is the best and most cost efficient way of feeding babies. I have had some success before breeding crickets, with peat moss as substrate, but didn't feed very many though because I was concerned with bacteria, which has got me to wounder if anyone uses a sponge or other material for female crickets to lay there eggs into. I got to the point where there would be probably close to 500,000 babies in each tub with about 200-300 survive by the time they were a half inch. Overal it seems like crickets and flightless fruit flies are probably the best bet for feeding.

The room they will be in is no less than 72 and no greater than 80 at any given point. Humidity is a little harder to control though with a dip in the night. I'm still needing to get a misting system set up which should help quite a bit though. Not sure if I should go completely custom, or go the aquazamp or mistking rout.

Any links you can provide or prior experience you can share would be great. Thank you
Ahh yes

Thank you, that was the exact post I had read through before. Gracias. :D
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