Cage Cleaning?


New Member
I clean my chameleons poop as soon as i see it. But as far as complete cage cleanings go, how often does everyone do them? Is it neccisary to remove everything from the cage and do a thorough cleaning every once in a while? Or does minor cleaning suffice. I just dont want my little guy getting sick. Also does anyone use those healthy habitat reptile enclosure cleaners?
I use a blue dawn dish soap on the non organic parts. I use a diluted bleach mix, and a salt water rinse on the dead sticks. The salt washes off the exposed parts after a few mistings but keeps the mold down.

For a good plant cleaning, you can dunk the whole thing in a bath tub of dawn dish soap and spin it to wash off the leaves. Just dont get soap in the pot. You can then rinse the plant off and repeat. After the final rinse you can leave it in a warm shower upright for 20min (yes the pot gets soggy but will dry out in days).

Depending on the dirtiness i do this once or twice a year.

And that cleaning style has worked for me for 25 years of herping.
The more thorough you are with your daily cleanings, the less you have to do a major overhaul. Clean the poop each day and make sure there is no standing water and you should be fine for a few months.
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