cage leaking.


New Member
I bought a zilla all screen 12x24x26 enclosure for my new ambilobe pc from Kammers. My mistking goes off 3 times a day for about 6 minutes per and water is just leaking out of the bottom. It's a waterproof bottom but just not sealed well. anyone else deal with this? any simple fixes?

I don't think I'm misting too much it doesn't puddle too bad. what happens is the water leakes to underneath the cage and builds up down there, so by end of the day the cabinet is wet under the cage running our the sides.

thanks for the help!
My habba goes off for 1 minnute every 3 hours and i have the same size cage. what species of fish lives in their : P. I suggest putting a towel at the bottom and maybe a small bowl under the high traffic areas.
thanks. it's 2 bushy ficus plants to mist and the breeder suggested 5-10 minutes per mist 3 times a day. But I can try adding a 4th cycle and mist for less time. The cage just isn't designed well. It's not leaking out the screen. it's the way the bottom pvc material is secured with a gap. Even a little water would leak out. I'd like to put the whole cage inside of a cookie sheet like frame. thanks!
dont do a drainage cause in n time you will need a bigger cage i suggest a Tupperware underneath and something that the cage could sit on like a plant stand and just empty the water daily. then when you upgrade to a bigger cage buy a drain pan for it and have it drain through a tube to a bucket. it would just save you some money in the long run if you wait till you have a bigger cage to do a complex drain but its your call hope that helped
I'm thinking I may raise it a couple inches and put a baking pan or something underneath. then drill some holes in the middle for drainage. could work.
any thoughts?
Don't get your panties in a bunch..

Screen cages will leak! The bottom isn't built to hold water from mistings for reptiles.

Simple solution would be create yourself a nice drainage system or get a drainage area for it. You can make one yourself just get plastic type materile wide and long enough for your cage (similar to a plant water holder) and use that.
makes sense. any plastic materials you can think of that will match this size? I grabbed a plastic tub top. gonna see if that works, but doesn't look ideal.

Panties are not is a bunch... they are actually very comfortable.
Buy a drain pan from LLL reptiles. They make water trays to fit most standard size screen cages. Just drill some small drain holes in the plastic bottom piece and voila you got a catch can.
If you use tuba ware to catch the water make sure to use a thin screen and secure it on top (like a window screen). It prevents crickets, mealworms, etc. and the chameleon's poop from contaminating the water. Plus, it helps if your chameleon just so happens to lose his rip.
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