Cage Location Help


I am getting a 3-4 month old cham in about a month. I am in the process of getting his enclosure/supplies/food together. I am having a little trouble deciding where to place his enclosure. The warmest room in the house is upstairs in our family/TV room. The main issue I have is that the wife & I usually go to sleep sometime between 11pm and midnight. If I cover the cage after lights out for the cham, will that be sufficient? Or will the noise be an issue? Open to any & all suggestions.


I've read chameleons don't hear they pick up on vibrations and movements not to mention there 180 degree eye movement and as far as light goes I have a glass terrarium and I put posters or you can use aquariums backgrounds around the enclosure except the door I have the same age chameleon and when I turn out his he goes to sleep nothing bothers him!
And to further boot they say not to put them in high traffic areas so I have him in my bedroom and he's doing great im not married but I have a live in girlfriend and there's no issue and to further your knowledge there's endless amounts of literature online as we'll the forum if you really care and take the time you can't go wrong
my llittle guy lives in my livin room, and like you i am up till 11 or so. he always goes to sleep when i turn off his lights at 8. the noise and tv do not seem to bother him at all. this is just my experience.
my cham is in high traffic area and it has never seemed to bother him. He is right next to my computer and will not close his eyes until I cover the cage with a blanket. He will sit there in the sleeping position with his tail curled and eyes wide open until I cover the cage.
Hoj, Carol:
Thanks, I feel better. I may have been over-thinking this issue!
i feel the same way about over thinking things.
questions you ask, will/may help other people who are wondering the same things. i asked this in my newbie thread as well. i think carol even answered in there also.
i want to make sure i have everything covered before i get my chameleon just like you.
as others have said.. the light/ noise after "chameleon lights out" doesn't bother mine at all. I originally had plans to cover his enclosure each night to keep out ambient light, but it was not necessary.
my llittle guy lives in my livin room, and like you i am up till 11 or so. he always goes to sleep when i turn off his lights at 8. the noise and tv do not seem to bother him at all. this is just my experience.

we do the same thing. as soon as the basking light is off, she's out. it doesn't matter if we have every other light and the tv still on lol.
i cover both my veiled's cage and my brev's tanks with covers. my veiled wont really sleep without it and the brevs may not need it but its hardly an arduous task.
Mine are in the computer room so if I'm up working on stuff sometimes it keeps them awake. I have a sheet I cover them with and they're out immediately.
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